Pom's feelings were all over the place as Khan stared the two of them down. "Well I'm fucking surprised. All in favor for War being the temporary Alpha, stand. All not for War, stay seated."

The urge to close her eyes was strong but she kept them open, glancing around at the pack members who slowly started to stand. All around them.

Even Nick scuffled up to his feet and gave them a nervous smile. Her mates hold on her was so tight, it was beginning to feel suffocating.

"War let go, please," Pomelia panicked as she noticed that almost more than half the pack was standing. They needed to talk. Privately.

"Well I guess-"

"-Wait! Can we talk in private?!" Pomelia shouted out as she wiped at the gathering moisture on her forehead. Was had listened to her thankfully and she stood up, with him quickly doing the same.

Alpha Khan gave both of them an annoyed look. "Make it quick."

War took her by the hand and lead her into the pack rec hall. They entered one of the many lounge rooms in the big building and War quickly shut the door.

When she glanced up at her mate Pomelia honestly wanted to run. To him or from him was the question at hand as she noticed the thick bulge in his pants and his glowing icy eyes.

"War I don't know what's going on but we have to concentrate," she cleared her throat looking around the room for one of the many fridges located in the building. They were all stocked with water and sodas.

She was so warm. It was so hot in here! She quickly grabbed a drink and guzzled down half of the water bottle as her mate just watched her closely. Someone must have turned up the thermostat because she was now sweating heavily. "I don't know why I'm so sweaty. I want to just crawl out of my clothes," Pomelia complained as War growled. Loudly.

That...did not seem to go over well with the partially feral Warren. Pomelia felt a sudden weakness in her knees.

She leant against a table and took a deep breath, looking away from him. Her entire body was tingling and it made absolute no sense. She had to get over whatever her body was going through and focus.

"War we-"

She was cut off by War's mouth molding to hers. Pomelia had absolutely no strength or will to stop her mate from doing as he pleased. He easily picked her up and set her on the table, all while their lip locking continued.

The warmth was back tenfold and now it was accompanied by a terrible almost unbearable cramping in her lower abdomen...it felt almost akin to an intense heat licking over her skin.

The more War kissed and touched her the more her body began to become addicted...like a drug. She was going to cry if War stopped kissing her. Everything about him was effecting her.

His body, his scent, his lips, his tongue. It was all driving her mad. Not to mention her panties...were ruined with her want of him. She was beginning to feel not like herself. At all. This overwhelming... feeling, this heat was making her act like she only had one thing on her mind!

Pomelia gasped, breaking their kiss. War didn't seem to mind, his mouth found refuge on her neck.

"You smell so good," her mate groaned out, his lips hovering over her mark. She was going to be putty in his hands if he started to suckle and kiss her mark

"W-wait," she pleaded weakly, her hands fisting his shirt. Good goddess this pain and heat was absolutely nothing to play with. She felt like lifting her dress right now...

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