Late Night Chat.//Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

Sanji came rushing out, hearing the commotion from Nami's room. And was surrounded as well, he slowly got out a packet of matches and relit his cigarette.

"Well? What's going on...?" He said absently, puffing out a smoke.

"We were ambushed." Luffy answered his question with a straight face.

"Yeah, that's what I figured... From the looks of it..." Sanji sighed.

Luffy was sitting on the rails from the second floor, seemingly relaxed by the situation, "We're in a real hurry, you know."

A short, stumpy man came on board, wearing a furred hippo's hide as his robe. Underneath his robe was metal armor. Having purple unkempt hair, his jaw and upper lip was literally made of metal. He dismissed Luffy's statement and went to counting the people he saw.

"Hmm.. That makes 4 people in total..." He bit into a piece of meat and ripped it off. He didn't count Faythe, because she was still in her Parrot form, "There can't be only 4 people on this ship..." He went to take another bit of the piece of meat, But instead of just the meat, he went and chopped down on the knife too. The knife shattered as he bit into it.

"Well whatever..." He waved off, the knife still crunching in his mouth, sending chills down Faythe's spine, "Let me ask you something..."

"The hell!?" Luffy was now officially weirded out by this man, "He ate through the knife whole!"

"Are knives tasty?" Faythe whispered to Luffy.

"I dont know, are they?" He wondered himself.

Usopp already had his arms up, "Ack! It hurts just looking at it!"

The metal eating man, now dumped the hilt of the knife into his mouth, asking what he wanted, "We wish to head for Drum Kingdom. Do you happen to have an Eternal Pose or even a Log Pose on you?"

"No... And we've never even heard of that place before..." Sanji said pissed.

Faythe grew annoyed of the man, her feather puffing out aggravated, He already earned one strike while ambushing us.

"If you're done asking, hurry up and go away." Luffy barked out.

"Oh there's no need to rush through life like that... Well, if you don't have it, then I might as well take all your treasures and your ship instead.." The stumpy man enlightened.


The man turned his head towards the ships walls, "But hold on.. I'm feeling a bit peckish..." He chomped down on the ship's side rails. Ripping a large chunk out of their ship.

"WHA!?" Sanji shouted out in horror.

He was just munching casually on the ship's wood, like it was normal for him.

Strike two.


"DONT EAT OUR SHIP!" Luffy shouted down at the stumpy guy.

He ignored her capatin's orders and continued to chew, he even found their anchor, "Ooh! You even have an anchor rope for me!"

A Solider saw Luffy grow more angry, so he pointed his rifle at him, "Don't you dare move! His Highness is in the middle of his meal!"

Strike three.

Luffy smacked his fist in the soldier's head, pissed, "SHADDUP!"



Faythe's feather grew rapidly, leaping off his shoulder, she flew between her captain and their rifles, twisting into her human form. She grabbed the rifle closest and threw it aside. Their grip on their guns were plain weak and disappointing.

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now