And she insisted that I drive so she can read out the sample sheet and revise for the both of us..

Cuz im not good at revising ngl.

And I usually depend on byul when it comes to studying.

So , we were on the road.

She was reading out the sheet..

But I wasn't listening well actually.

I kept telling her to repeat sentences..

And she did , cuz our college is far away anyways ..

Lol we always have an excuse for being late .

I wasn't focusing with byul at all come to think of it..

Cuz I was more interested in the car next to us..

It was the car near my window.

There was a man driving alone..

He was in full tears.

His driving was chaotic , I was scared terribly.

And what scared me more is that I couldn't lose him..

He kept following us .

Byul was still reading , unaware of whats happening.

I started panicking when I found out that there's still along way to our college.

I was thinking of what to do ..

I was trying to solve the problem.

That I completely forgot the girl sitting next to me in the car..

"Kai what's wrong , you're not listening to me again ?"

"Am I reading this to myself ?"

Her effing voice scared the life out of me.

"What- i-"

I stared looking back at the car I'm scared of..

"What's going on"

She said looking at the car next to us .

I noticed that the car was extremely close to us..

I lost control ..

What if it crashes into the car ?

What if the man is crazy ?

What if i make something stupid and crash ?

I don't mind dying ..

But I can't let byul die with me .

I was so deep in thought ..

That I again , forgot byul .


I noticed that I was driving hella fast ..

That car was still on our tail ..

My gosh I'm never going to drive again.

Why did I even take that stupid driving test..

I so regret it ..

But oh boy , I didn't know what was coming ..


I was over with this..

When I noticed that the breaks weren't working..

I was for sure going to die.


"I- I can't control the car"

I couldn't see her reaction cuz of the road..

Roses Are Red ❀  { Jinbyul }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora