Chapter 5: Swords, Shields, and Spears

Comenzar desde el principio

Clarisse let a devilish smirk grow across her face. "Be careful with what you say kelp for brains. I'll shock you into rebirth."

An equally large smirk grew across Taylor's face as she met him in the center. "So I'm guessing all the extra faces I see would be your class."

"Yes they are," she replied. "And I told them they would receive a demonstration today."

"A demonstration of me breaking your spear and putting you on your ass," Taylor chuckled.

Clarisse readied her stance as Taylor pulled the pen from his pocket. "So your finally decided to use Prissy's pen. Guess your beat down last during our spar taught you to man up."

"As much as I hate to admit it, you're right," he replied while they began to circle each other.

The crowd of campers began to back up, allowing the circle to grow much wider. Murmurs broke out as they watch their teachers, two of the strongest demigods in camp circle each other. Some began to pass around money and make bets.

"After you," Taylor said.


She sent a few non-electrified jabs with her spear towards Taylor that he dodged or deflected. She quickly locked the end of her spear against riptide and grinned as she pressed a small button on the handle.

Taylor heard the electricity come to life at the last second and dropped his sword. The tip of it stuck into the ground and Taylor rolled away as Clarisse kept him away from it.

'You're done for,' Clarisse thought as she charged forward, not expecting Taylor's surprise.

He slipped inside of her guard and pushed her spear arm to the side. He then quickly tapped the celestial bronze bracket on his arm and sung a punch to her gut as a shield appeared.

"Oh shit," Clarisse blurted out as the shield connected with her. She flew backwards, but managed to retain her balance as well as her grip on her spear.

Taylor ran forward and grabbed riptide from the ground. He sent an overhead slashed aimed at her shoulder that she blocked with that shaft of her spear.

"Where'd you get the shield," Clarisse said as she pushed Taylor back.

"I've had it for a while," Taylor replied. "Tyson made it for my birthday."

"Remind me to pay him a visit," she said.

Clarisse sent a jab straight for his shield in attempt to electrocute his arm, but he saw through it.

He dodged back and slammed the shield down against the shaft and pinned it into the dirt. He then spun forward and sent a slash for her wrist, causing her to let go of the spear to avoid it.

She stumbled backwards without a weapon in hand. She fell to the the ground and scooped up a palm of dirt. She threw it towards Taylor, but he wasn't there. She quickly stood up just to feel something kick her legs out from under her.

Taylor stood victorious with his sword pointed at Clarisse's neck. She let out an annoyed groan and accepted her defeated.

"What did you learn from our spar?" Taylor said towards the class.

"Not to get into fight with you?" A camper said seductively.

'Clearly a child of Aphrodite,' he thought.

"Not at all," Clarisse said as she stood up from the ground. "I could've beat him. Can anyone tell us what I did wrong without trying to seduce Taylor."

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