Blaise Zabini

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"Let's make this an exciting day for the first years!"

It was the new year at Hogwarts. Everyone was seated, and watching the new first years in the sorting ceremony. "Well this is boring." You say, nudging Blaise. "I know right, I'm starving." He replied. You both looked at the food, feeling hungrier by the minute.

"You too stop it!" Pansy snapped as she held Draco's hand. "Ugh get a room." You mutter, hoping Pansy heard. She did, and she glared at you. You responded by rolling your eyes. After a very long hour, the ceremony was done and Dumbledore shouted "LET THE FEAST BEGIN!" 

As he said that, everyone began eating. You grabbed a chicken leg and started to chew on it, moaning at the taste. "You might want to save those moans for later Y/N." Draco said randomly. "I don't think I will." You said rolling your eyes. 

Draco was always hitting on you, but you didn't find him attractive. You thought Cedric, Blaise or Ron were more your type, not that you could tell them that. You ate as much as you could, and started to feel a bit sick.

"Y/N, you look off, are you ok?" Blaise asked. "Yeah I'm fine!" You say as you drank some water. "Blaiseee.." You say. "Yeah?" He replied. "Let's make this a time the first years will never forget!" You smirked. "Oh Y/N, this is so on." Blaise said.

You stood up and got picked up some roasted potatoes and threw them at Harry and his little gang. "QUIT IT Y/N!" Snape shouted. "Oh come on sir, we know you want to do this too!" You encouraged him, getting a stare from him in return.

Blaise also stood up and threw some gravy over Pansy's head, causing her to scream. Of course she was going to get her payback and she attempted to throw some chicken legs at Blaise, which landed on Adrian Pucey.

Adrian got mad and tipped the whole table, making many students fall over. "COME ON GUYS GET EM!" Shouted Fred and George. "REVENGE FROM QUIDDICTH!" Ron screamed, getting a voice crack. 

Everyone continued throwing food around, screaming. To your surprise, Dumbledore didn't say anything, and stopped Snape from giving everyone a detention.

"THIS IS THE BEST FIRST DAY EVER!" A first year shouted.

We completed our mission. Mission accomplished!

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