Cedric Diggory

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Thanks Y/N, your a great help!

It was a sunny day at Hogwarts and many students were taking strolls out in the gardens. Luckily, you sat under your favourite oak tree and sat in the shade, reading you're favourite muggle book, Romeo And Juliet.

The students around you seemed to ignore you, you didn't mind tho, you liked it better this way. Moving around for the fifth time, you finally found a comfortable position to sit and read. Reading took your mind off things, it helped you relax. Suddenly, someone interrupted your thoughts, "Hey Y/N! Can you do me a favour please?" The voice asked.

You recognised the voice immediately, it was Cedric. "Um sure, whats up?" You asked as you stood up, leaning against the oak tree. "Could we go in private?" Cedric suggested and you nodded, following him inside.

Inside, you both sat down in the Great Hall, discussing what the favour of Cedric's was. "So Y/N, you know how much I like Cho." He started. You looked up at him and said "Yes, Cho Chang, you talk so much of her." "Well, Y/N I want to ask her out but I'm not sure if I can." He said, looking down. You frowned and then said "I HAVE AN IDEA!" Cedric's eyes shot up and said "WHAT IS YOUR IDEA?". You stood up and proudly said "You are to write a letter to her and I shall give it!" Cedric smiled and hugged you, to him you were the bestest friend in the world.

It was evening time at Hogwarts and you were in Cedric's room helping him write his letter. "NO YOU HAVE A GRAMATICAL MISTAKE THERE CED!" You snapped. He rolled his eyes and said "Fine, why don't you write it?" You took that as an insult and said "Fine, I WILL." You knew he was just getting you to write it but it was worth it, you loved happily ever afters.

About half an hour passed and you had finally finished writing the letter. Cedric was laying on his bed and asked "Done?" You shot up from your seat and glared at him. "I have to make it sound like you, she knows how I speak, everyone knows." You say, sighing after. "Yeah Y/N, you have a weird way of talking." Cedric said before jumping off the bed and getting the letter of you. It read;

Dear Cho,

I think about you in the morning

Hoping that you, find me charming

I think about you in the afternoon

Hoping that I, can meet you soon

I think about you in the evening

Hoping that I, can see you smiling

I think about you in the middle of the night

Hoping that you, understand my plight

I just can't stop thinking about you

I just hope one day, you end up liking me too

Cho chang, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?

Love Cedric x

"Seriously Y/N? THE 'LOVE CEDRIC X' SCREAMS YOU!" Cedric shouted. You just looked up and smirked. "I could just rip that letter into tiny little pieces if you prefer?" You say, eyeing him. He rolled his eyes and you walked to the door, "Goodnight Cedric." And with that, you left his room.

The next day, it was lunch time in The Great Hall. Everyone was getting ready and sitting down with their friends, talking mostly. You sat at the Gryffindor table, reading the rest of Romeo And Juliet until you feel yourself getting lifted up from the table.

"DAMN IT THANK YOU Y/N, THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Cedric cried, gaining many students attention. "Ced GET ME DOWN FIRST!" You squeal moments before he lets you down. "I'm assuming its a yes?" You say, knowing what the answer was. Cedric nodded and couldn't stop smiling and thanking you.

The day was over quicker than you thought and you lay in your bed, looking up to the ceiling. You were happy that Cedric got what he wanted, it was nice seeing your best friend achieve something that they had always wanted to! Soon, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, knowing full well that you were an amazing friend!

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