Ron Weasley

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It was your second period, third next. You slouched on your chair, copying the student in front of you. "How long of this stupid charms class?" You ask Ron as he eats the Bertie Botts he snuck into class. He grunted, hinting he didn't know. You rolled your eyes, typical Ron.

Half an hour later, the lesson ended and you were all dismissed from your class. As you walked to Charms class, Ron tugged at your arm, pulling you into a dark hallway. "Blimey Y/N, never seen you so keen to learn." he says, laughing. You scoff and pull his arm off you. "What do ya suggest Weasley?" You say, trying to impress him. He looked at you menacingly, knowing exactly what you were thinking.

Once the busy corridors had cleared, you and Ron run to the Ravenclaw Common Room. Luckily, you knew the password because of Luna, she had been helping you with your Potions homework. As you slipped inside, you caught sight of a 6th year, cleaning the room. You pull Ron behind the sofa and run up to the girl's dorms. "Y/N, WE CAN'T GO IN HERE! IT'S A GIRLS DORM, IT'S AN INVASION OF PRIVACY!" Ron shout-whispered seriously. "Oh lighten up Ron, it's not like you haven't been in my room before, besides, I share with girls and you don't say anything." You say sassily back.

You both sit down on Luna's bed. "Oh I'm sure she won't mind." You say as you play with her teddy. Ron sighed and said "So? What we doing?" You looked at him in disbelief. "OMFG RON, WE'RE SKIVING INIT!" You say as you push him off the bed. "Bloody hell!" He whined. You scanned his face. "What you looking at?" Ron says moodily. "You have a pimple on your forehead." You say, trying not to laugh. Ron rolled his eyes, you love annoying him.

 You both run back to the Great Hall. Ron looked around, amazed. "TH-THEY'VE GOT FOOD EARLY!" He squealed as you both sat down to eat. Ron picked up two chicken legs and began to eat them and you got a liquorice lollypop. As you ate, you talked about your future plans. You talked about being a Professor at Hogwarts, "Oh don't worry tho, Dumbledore adores me, he'll be happy to have me teach! Ron looked at you uncertain. As you looked for something else to eat, something, rather someone caught your eye.

"DUCK!" You shout as you and Ron hide under the table. "What the hell?" Ron said, choking on his food. "Oh sorry mate, I saw Snape, I think he's looking for us." You say proudly. "Y/N, WE'RE GOING TO GET INTO A LOT OF TROUBLE!" Ron said as he got up from under the table. You looked around before walking out of the Great Hall. "NOPE, I DON'T THINK SO!" You say, popping the 'o'. And with that, you ran to your next lesson, Defence Against the Dark Arts.

HP Boys x Reader One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz