Big bros taking care of their little bro «{ Genshin Impact }»

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(A/N : I have been thinking of this for more than I should tbh. Also Geo Grandpa plz come home.)

Razor was hunting for today's lunch. But it's a little bit difficult since he's hunting in Liyue. A whole new different place for him.

While Aether (or Ath, as Razor calls him) is searching for materials to ascend Childe, Razor have decided to make some food for when they get back home. He's going to cook Puppy-paw Hashbrowns and Steak, because those are Ath and the new members of his party favorite meal, and because that's all Razor can make.

He have collected ingredients for the Hashbrowns, so he went out to hunt.

So far he have 3 meat 'Just two more. '
While he's searching for more prey, he saw a group of people with bags of meat 'So many meat, for their pack?' Razor wonders. He looked around for prey, he found two boars, he quickly jumped on the animal and killed it with his electro power, a technique he learned from Klee.

"Oi! Those are ours!" A man from the group yelled angrily, making Razor confused "But.. You, have meat. " Razor replied, but another man snaps back "Still! Those are ours, and we need a lot more!" Razor's eyes widened 'Their pack needs lots of meat.. ' . Razor bowed apologetically "Razor is sorry.. " "Meh, whatever. " A big man of the group said, leading them to hunt in a different place.

'Here is their territory.. Are they hunting in different territory?' Razor wondered to himself, 'Their pack, how many?' He questioned himself, how many people are in their pack? Must be lots.

He put meats in his bag as he returns to Wangshu Inn, the outside of it.

On his way there, he encountered some.. Pretty strange people 'Looks dangerous. ' Razor thinks to himself. It appears that they're digging something out of the ground, their treasure?

Without batting an eye, he walk past them, gaining unwanted attention. One of them grabbed a strange bottle and throw it to Razor's direction. Razor quickly dodged it, but the bottle shattered and burned the grass.

"Catch him!" One of them yelled, Razor grabbed his claymore and lunged forward with a spin, harming 3 people in the process. A big person grabbed his shovel and throw sand in Razor's eyes with it, blocking him from seeing anything.


Aether was walking back to Wangshu Inn, tired, and honestly just want to sleep. 'Fighting Oceanid was so difficult.. Especially without Razor to help.. ' . Though it is difficult, he asked help from Chongyun to Replace Childe since Chongyun can easily freeze the enemy, giving him chance to attack. His body cling to Zhongli's arm unconsciously "Traveler, are you that tired? Should we take a break?" He said with concern, "No, we should continue-" Aether paused as he looked to his left, seeing Razor being beaten up by some Treasure Hoarders.

Completely enraged, he run towards said Treasure Hoarders. The member of his party looked at the direction Aether was running to. Each of them were angered by the fact that the person whom they considered as a little brother is beaten up to death.

They catch up to Aether in fury, they are prepared to send them to their grave with no mercy.

Aether dropped some kind of rock on them, sending them flying and landing with a loud thud. He cradled Razor as Razor cried in pain, his eyes struggling to see anything except blurry figures of more people.

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