5. Why

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

"We just don't talk anymore, okay?!"

It was the first thing I heard from Han-jae's mouth and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt.

Yes, the first day was hard, but the following two weeks got harder each day.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't because of the classes but because of Han-jae. As our classes were all mutual, I kept seeing him everywhere, and as if it wasn't enough, he had already new best friends; Ki-tae and Min-jee. They were coming and going together as if they were friends from the beginning.

No matter how much my mind saying it was for the best, my heart refused to listen. The green monster of jealousy gnawed at me day and night. I knew I was being mean, but I resented at Han-jae as he filled my void with Ki-tae and Min-jee easily. He just continued his life as if nothing happened while I was dying inside all alone.

As I had no right to complain, I swallowed all my emotions and tried to channel all my energy to my studies. As if I could do that.

Soon, the combo of studying, regretting and worrying so much got a better hold of me and my nosebleeds recurred almost daily.

"Han-jae, can you bring some tis-"

My words hang in midair as I realized Han-jae wasn't there for me anymore.

It was the moment when I realized that Han-jae was my sole shelter and letting him go wasn't something I could bear to do.

I would get him back.

No matter how much time or effort it would take, I would get him back.

Lee Han-jae POV:

"Okay people, it is time to choose; are you going to continue with your previous groups or change them?"

The lab professor asked and I opened my mouth to say we must change the groups as the previous group consisted of me, Ki-tae and Chin-hae.

"Let's keep them as they are."

That sentence belonged to Chin-hae! With my mouth wide open, I looked at him and he looked at me directly for the first time in fifteen days.

"Any objections?" The professor asked and waited for a second before saying, "alright then, we will continue with the old groups. See you tomorrow."

When the class dismissed, I rushed behind Chin-hae to demand an explanation. He didn't even look at me for fifteen days, but then he was willing to be in the same group with me. Whenever I thought I understood Chin-hae, he was befuddling me anew.

"What are you trying to do?" I asked coldly, pulling him into an empty lab room.

He visibly flinched, but tried to smile, "hi, it has been a while..."

"What do you want from me?" I pressed again, ignoring the hurt expression on his face. Was he sick? Wait, none of my business... not anymore...

"I want to reconcile," Chin-hae mumbled while looking at me strangely.

"Reconcile?" I puffed, "after one month of absolute silence, you want to reconcile?"

"I..." he averted his eyes, "I am sorry..."

"Just that? No explanation?"

Silence. What else did I expect?

The pain was too much for my foolish heart.

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