17. Sincerity

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

When I woke up with the alarm, Han-jae was sleeping on the bed which used to be his for the second time. As I expected him to do that I wasn't too shocked this time.

I must have been too whipped for him because instead of waking him up, I continued to lie and watch him sleeping. Maybe it was also because I was embarrassed about the previous night, so I let him sleep while I was checking my phone.

[Students, please don't forget to submit your lab reports tomorrow.]


"HAN-JAE WAKE UP!" I shouted, already forgot about my embarrassment.

"What?" he woke up with a start, looking at me with drowsy eyes. He looked so cute with that bed hair and swollen face, but I had no time to appreciate him.

"We forgot about the lab report," I said with a calmer tone.

"I wrote it last night," he answered, rubbing his eye.

"What? You did write it last night... really?" I asked for confirmation. It was always me who wrote the reports, so I thought I misheard him.

He nodded tiredly. There were indeed purple circles under his eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked, feeling guilty as it was my negligence.

"I am not that heartless, you know. How could I wake you after you cried yourself to sleep?"

I couldn't say anything, rather lowered my head with abashment.

He got off the bed and sat beside me. Raising my head with his fingers, he said "don't blush over small things, I still have a lot in my sleeves."

I choked on air and he let out a chuckle.

Lee Han-jae POV:

Oh my! Chin-hae was too cute for his own good. If we had time, I would like to continue to tease him, but too bad that we had to rush to the cafeteria and then to the lab.

After we had our showers, we met downstairs and went to the cafeteria. While I was buying us breakfast, Chin-hae was checking the report. As we had a very limited time, we literally stuffed some food into our mouths before rushing to the lab.

"Did you check it, shall I send it?" I asked Chin-hae as we sat down.

He nodded, "it is pretty good actually, from now on you can also write them."

"I can," I said with a smile, "if you reward me with a kiss each time."

He choked on air. Again.

Well, I had to take my chance, right?

In time, he would see my sincerity and maybe would give me a chance to move into his heart...

I Love You But Is It Too Late?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें