13. Insecurities

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Kang Chin-hae POV:

Han-jae definitely knew that the door could be opened from the outside, but still he got the key with him.

"What are you trying to do?" I asked in the room as I lay down the mattress. After all that time, he came back into my life with full force and claimed that he still liked me.

Was it possible?

I admit that I was beyond relieved hearing he wasn't dating Min-jee, but it didn't mean that I was ready to trust him.

Indeed, I broke his heart and he broke my heart in turn, so the score was 1-1. But, how about the next time? Would be like that all the time whenever we had an argument? An eye for an eye? Would we be like my parents? What if I got too attached to him, but he decided to leave me for someone better? As I was lacking in many things, it would be only natural.

As my insecurities and fears besieged me all over, I didn't even notice when I drifted off to an uncomfortable sleep.

Lee Han-jae POV:

When I came back to Chin-hae's room, I found him sleeping on the bed in an uncomfortable position. His legs were dangling off the bed and there was no pillow under his head.

I put the medicine bag onto the desk silently and moved towards the bed. Gently, I repositioned him on the bed and covered him with his blanket. Even though his sleeping position was better, he was still frowning. I reached to rub the frown, but the moment I touched him, I noticed he was still running a mild fever.

See? It was all fate.

Originally, I planned to leave after giving him the medicine so that he wouldn't think I was too pushy, but how could I leave him when he had fever?

I rushed to the bathroom and came back with two wet towels. I wiped his face, neck and arms gently, then placed the second towel on his forehead. He stirred a bit in his sleep, but didn't wake up.

When I was done, I sat on the empty bed and watched him sleep with lots of questions in my mind. If I didn't feel a vibration in my pocket, I could stay like that until forever. Taking the phone out of my pocket, I checked the message with uninterested eyes.

[That mistress of your 'father' is pregnant! but I won't let them be happy after what they did! I will never divorce him!]

Well, as I was quite distracted, I thought it was my mother who sent the message and was about to have a heart attack. But then, I realized it wasn't my phone, it was Chin-hae's. After I carried him to the infirmary, I got his phone and stuffed it into my pocket. Then I forgot about it all together and he didn't notice.

As my initial shock passed, the sudden realization hit me hard.

Was it the reason why he didn't answer my messages? But why didn't he tell me? I couldn't do anything for the situation, but I could give my silent support. Why did he choose to suffer alone? Didn't he trust me any?

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