
Saint decided to go the library for it's Zee's class that is next to his schedule. He miss the man, but is able to control his desire ran back to Zee just like what happened earlier as he seen him talking with Tommy, He didn't realize he's been staring at him that long until their eyes met. He smiled on him to hide the butterflies caressing his chest. He's feeling better, he would still cry over how things went but it's no longer that hard. He's able to breathe out, and see better.  He's thankful that no one asked more and Zee did give him some space. He just wished that before he leaves, Zee and Earth would get in good terms again. He sighed remembering how stubborn Earth is. Resting his head on the table, ready to close his eyes when he felt someone pulled the seat next to him. He smiled to see the man he wished to go near.

"Ooh..P'Zee~", Saint mumbled and smiled, still resting his face on the table. "am I dreaming?",

"Saint..", Zee couldn't help but smile on what he's seeing. He knew that once Saint realized it, he'll just..

"Shit! Mr. Panich!", Saint jolted up, losing his track of his chair, lucky enough for Zee's anticipating the event to happen. Before Saint fall from his chair, Zee's able to support Saint's chair back. "I'm sorry..", Saint mumbled fidgeting over his fingers, heart-beat racing undeniably.

"It's fine..", Zee noticing it. "Can I sit next to you? This is the only empty seat I've found.", He then asked and Saint nodded. "You don't have to mind me, you can take your nap,Saint.", He wanted to rub Saint's back but decided not to. "I'll leave soon as I finish, I'm not gonna bother..",

"It's okay.. it's just that I got surprised.", Saint honestly replied. He knew he missed the man but never realized he did, SO MUCH. ".. don't you have a class?",

"I cancelled it. It will be the last session so I gave them the time to mingle with their friends.", Zee replied, happy that Saint finally talk to him. Though he felt like he broke Saint's personal space, but he did really came solely for work and it's just he's lucky to meet Saint.

"I see, that's great then.", Saint smiled underneath, he still looking at down but he could feel that Zee's stares on him.

"I saw Mixxiw and Jimmy going to the canteen, maybe they're looking for you.",
"They knew I'm here.", Saint replied. Silence soon started to creep between them. Silence that even forced Saint to yawn. Zee smiled unconsciously. "Go take a nap, Saint.",


"It's fine, I promise not to bother, I'll leave soon as I finish it.", Zee added, and Saint looked at him. Can he really sleep with his heart beating crazy?", Saint asked himself.
"I-i'll take a nap then", Saint dug his face on the table, looking opposite to where Zee was. Zee ignored it and happy enough that Saint didn't push him away or avoided him. He then took his laptop and do his work. It didn't took long enough for Saint to fall asleep, and tilted his head back unto Zee's direction. Zee closed his laptop and decided to just study Saint's face, he rested his face on his palm and just looked at Saint long enough for him to lost count of the time, to forget about what he's supposed to be doing. His hands worked against him as it landed on Saint's forehead, tucking some of Saint's hair back to his ear. A view he missed, Zee thought to himself. And his stares continued. He blinked when Saint's brows frowned and rubbed his nape,and took it as Saint's uncomfortable of his position. He think twice but lately took the risk of scooping Saint's head, careful enough for him not to wake up. He then let Saint to lean unto him, arching his body for Saint to completely, comfortably sleep as he wrap his arm around Saint's shoulder, pulling him closer. He drag his one hand to make Saint's head to use his shoulder as his pillow. Zee's uncomfortable but at least Saint's comfortable,he thought. He didn't care if at then end of the day he'll surely have pain in parts of his body. He took a deep breath as he breath in Saint's scent, his hand once again touch Saint's bare skin, he then kissed Saint's head.

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