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"Pang c'mon get up."

"Let me finish this question first."

"No, get up now."

"Let me finish-"

"Pang!" Wave whined, grabbing his arm and trying to drag him out of the science room.

"Alright, Alright, I'm stopping." Pang got up from his seat and let Wave drag him out of the science room they were in.

"Where are we going?"

"Must you know everything?"

"Answering a question with a question? Fine, I won't ask."

"Good choice." Wave responded as he led him to the destination; the rooftop.

"Why are we here?" Pang questioned as he went to sit down on the crates.

"Just because I wanted to," Wave responded, going to sit down next to him.

"You're not a fantastic liar."

"There's a difference between lying and avoiding spilling the truth."

"Okay, which one are you doing now?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"That's why I'm asking you dumbass."

"Fine, you're not getting an answer now."

"Oh really?" Pang smirked, turning towards Wave. Wave's eyes widened when he realized what's coming next.

"Pang, we can talk about this-"

All of a sudden Pang is on top of Wave, tickling him on his sides. Wave screams of protests turn into hysterical laughter while he's trying to push Pang off of him.

"Okay-OKAY I give! I'll tell you!" Wave screams in between giggles. Satisfied with the answer, Pang gets off Wave and returns to his seating position.

"Tomorrow is our last chance, I'm just...thinking about our journey to get here." Wave whispered, turning to Pang.

"Like when you punched me because I stopped you from starting a purge in the school?"

"Pang!" Wave shouted, punching him in the shoulder. "Stop bringing that up."

"Ow. Okay, what about when we had our first kiss here?"

"You're really trying to embarrass me tonight aren't you?"

Pang looks at Wave and gives him a reassuring smile. "I want you to remember about the funny and cute memories we have instead of being a Negative Nancy worrying about tomorrow."

"I'm serious Pang, what if we lose? Or worse, Supot kills us right then and there? Or what if-" Wave started, but was interrupted by a kiss from Pang.

They kissed passionately for a moment before Pang pulled back, pressing a kiss on Wave's nose and looking straight into his eyes.

"Whatever happens tomorrow happens, okay? We've come so far, we can't give up now. I'm scared too I'll admit, but I have you and everyone else on my side, and that keeps me calm. We aren't going to leave you Wave, and trust me, if something happens to you I will not hesitate to end Supot's life right then and there."

"Wow, who knew you would know the right stuff to say?" Wave teased.

Pang gave Wave a peck before standing up, extending a hand towards Wave. "Do you want me to go back to the 'dumb class 8 kid'?"
"That's the same boy I fell in love with." Wave responded while taking the offered hand to him.

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