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"Wave, your statement is wrong," Claire yelled at him.

Everyone looked at him with hatred, like he was the reason why they turned their backs at one another.

Wave didn't know what to do, he knows that he's right, but could he be wrong? His friends are staring at him with anger.

"Wave, why would you accuse someone then? Do you really not trust us?!" Punn shouted at him.

"I-I do trust you guys, but I can't let go of the evidence-"

"You must be a fucking idiot if you think one of us would betray our class. We have been together since the beginning. Were you that much of an outcast to understand what friendship means?" Punn retorted.

Wave looked up at him, unable to say a thing, he felt tears creeping upon him, and he didn't know what to do.

"Punn, calm down, it's not that big of a deal," Claire spoke, trying to calm him down.

"Calm what down?! He doesn't believe in us! He doesn't think we're friends! He made our group turn our back on each other! He-"

Before Punn could utter more insults, everyone heard a cry in Wave's direction.

"Sorry," was the only word Wave spoke before he ran out of the room. He needed to find Pang before he completely lost it.

Wave ran to their dorm, almost tripping when opening the door, and saw Pang reading a book with his glasses on his bed. It would've been super cute if he wasn't about to have a breakdown. He ran to him and just buried his face in his chest while he continued to cry.

"Wave?" Pang put down his book and glasses on the nearby nightstand and held Wave in his arms.

"Wave? Talk to me. What happened?" Pang whispered to him.

Wave began struggling to breathe, the room began to spin at a million miles per hour. He's never had a breakdown like this since his parents passing.

Pang made a mental note to confront Punn about this later, but for now, he needed Wave to control his breathing so he focused on calming him down first.

"Hey Wave, can you breathe for me? Remember the 4-7-8 thing we learned?" Pang spoke softly, not wanting to scare him.

Wave started breathing in and out as Pang instructed, and after 15 minutes his sobs were reduced to quiet sniffles.

"There, do you feel better now?" Pang asked while rubbing his hand over Wave's back to comfort him. He felt a little nod on his chest before seeing Wave lift his head to look at him.

"Am I a problem starter?"

Pang didn't know how to react. Sure, in the past, Wave did start an entire purge in the school, but that didn't mean he hasn't changed. He doesn't understand why this topic is even being discussed, since Wave put his past behind him.


"What did Punn say to you?" He asked cautiously.

Wave sighed, "He said that I don't think you guys are my friends, and I'm tearing us apart, when that's not my intention...I just know someone in the group is a traitor. The evidence is so clear, I just don't know who."

Pang hummed, he should've guessed where the problem started.

"I feel like I ruined so many friendships because of it. Fuck, even you walked out the second I mentioned the possibility."

Pang frowned, he remembered his outburst from earlier.

"The evidence could be wrong, Wave!"

Pang was emotional during that argument. He couldn't imagine someone he was fighting against the director with for 2 years would betray him like this. It was unreal and painful. This group is like his family.

And it's tearing apart slowly.

"Wave," Pang called out. Wave looked up at Pang with puffy eyes and Pang wanted nothing more than to kiss them away.

"You are not a problem starter, okay? You're right, someone in the group is a traitor. It's just hard to process. I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

Wave nodded. "It's okay, I'm having a hard time accepting it too. At least I know it's not you or me."

"What makes you so sure?" Pang teased.

"I love you too much to go against you," Wave whispered, but Pang smiled like an idiot.

"Wave, when did you learn to be so cute?"

"I'm not cute."

"Yes you definitely are, I just wanna squeeze you and never let go."

Wave chuckled and placed his head on Pang's chest again. They said in comfortable silence until Pang heard quiet snores come out of Wave's mouth

Pang would deal with the rest of his class for putting Wave into this situation and the traitor in the group, but for now, he preferred to watch his boyfriend sleep peacefully after a couple of weeks.

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