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"Wave, ignore Punn, he doesn't understand what he's talking about. " Claire said, she saw Wave's colors, and they weren't pretty.

Wave just stormed out of the room, not wanting to talk to anyone except Pang, but Pang wasn't there.

Wave isn't stupid, he knew that this would happen, and he knew that the girls pressured him into doing it. The only reason he's mad is that Punn was speaking to him as he went through what he did. He went to the library to collect his thoughts, but he still didn't get one thing. Why didn't Pang ask for his help? He would've been able to track P'Chanon a lot faster than Time.

Wave hacked into Claire's phone and started to read her and Pang's last conversations, he was about to stop until he saw some messages:

Claire: Why didn't you tell Wave? I thought you and your boyfriend talk about everything

Pang: he isn't my boyfriend, he's my husband ;)

Claire: Ew sap -~-
But fr, why didn't you tell him?

Pang: Because I don't want to risk it. He already went through so much shit without me, and if I don't know Korn's mental state. I rather have him kill me than hurt Wave in any form.

Claire: ..So you're saying you're suiciding for him? Without telling him? That's fucked up Pang.

Pang: I have a recording on my laptop, and I'm not going to die, I promised him I wouldn't.

Wave didn't realize the tears he had in his eyes until he had to blink to clear his sight. He walked out of the library and started to call Pang. After 10 tries, he started to give up. He started walking slowly to the rooftop, calling once or twice each step he took.

"Shit!" Wave said as he threw his phone at the crates. He sat down in Pang's usual spot and looked up at the sky.

"Please be okay.."

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