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One week, two, three. One month, two, three and four. It has been officially four months since Seonghwa saw nor heard of the pirate. Four months since he said those words to him and he said it back. He didn't even regret doing so. He had been missing the man.

Although, on the other hand, despite missing the pirate, he had talked to his parents finally. He told them how he felt. He told them what he wanted and he told them how he has currently been. He told them about Hongjoong, however, he skipped the part of telling them he's a pirate. They don't need to know that.

Luckily, his parents listened to him but not totally back to when he was a kid where they spend time together. They only have conversations on free times. Right now, they're about to come home from work, just as they promised.

Seonghwa's relationship with his parents somehow improved a bit. They would oftenly greet each other with smiles and engage in small talk. However, his want to leave the place remained and wasn't at all lessened.

With a sigh, he stood up from the couch and wore shoes before leaving the house, not forgetting to close the door.

Thoughts consumed his mind as he blindly walked by the seashore, staring mindlessly at his shoes as he kicked the sand with every step he took.

He wondered how his life would be like if his family was complete. His older brother at home and not in Japan, his parents oftenly spending time with them, having weekly bonding somewhere. He wished his life was like that.

Or if he won't be able to do that with his family, then maybe with his future family instead. He'd make sure to not repeat the mistakes his parents have done.

He then started to wonder how Hongjoong was doing. Does he still remember Seonghwa? He thinks he already have forgotten about him already. With how busy he was looking after his crew, the ship and any other pirate stuff he does, he would barely have time to think of the black haired man.

Meanwhile, Seonghwa, he's just at home all lonely, doing nothing and having all the time in the world for himself. He's bored beyond belief. He didn't know what else to do. Four months without the pirate.

He felt empty, really.

As he was walking, he accidentally tripped on something, causing him to lose balance and fall.

"What the fuck?!" he cursed out loud as he carefully stood up and dusted his front, turning around to check what he tripped on.

His eyes then widened upon seeing the object, it was a letter in a bottle!

He immediately crouched down and picked the thing up, holding the cork and pulled on it but then frowned when he couldn't remove it. An idea then popped into his mind.

He immediately ran back home, the bottle in hand.

As soon as he reached the mansion, he halted on his steps upon seeing his parents, "Mom! Dad!" he called out with a huge smile before running towards their welcoming arms.

"Seonghwa, honey, what's that?" his mom then asked, reffering to the bottle.

"Oh, I tripped on this while I was walking, then I saw the letter so I was planning on opening it back home."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go and open it! I have some tools the would be able to remove the cork, let me just change into something comfortable." his dad said as he patted his son's back.

Seonghwa watched as his father's broad back and slim waist faced him, soon disappearing in the house.

"Let's go?" his mom then asked in which he nodded in response immediately running after his dad.

As they reached his parents' room, he saw his father fiddling with things in one of his drawers. Upon noticing his son, he smiled and bickered him to come closer.

Seonghwa followed as he handed him the bottle, watching as his dad used a tool which was unknown to him. He hasn't even processed what he was doing when the cork already popped off followed by his dad's sigh of relief. He then handed the bottle back to his son.

The black haired man immediately flipped the bottle upside down to let the letter fall on his hands which after a few seconds did.

He immediately untied the knot that was holding it in place, placing the bottle on the bed.

"How do you even know if it's yours?" he heard his dad ask.

Seonghwa shook his head, "I don't really know if it's for me, I just found it in this side of the beach."

As soon as he unrolled the paper, he's eyes widened.

My love, Park Seonghwa,

You think I have forgotten about you already? No, why would I? I never let a single second pass without thinking of you. If you're reading this, then my calculation was right. You're curious how this got to your side of the beach right? None of us went there, I just threw it in the ocean, destiny worked its magic and brought it to you. My love, I miss you so much, it's been three months hasn't it? I wish I could visit you again, but we're currently preparing for a battle. But I promise you! I really will visit! There's seriously a lot I want to tell you but I'm not that good with putting my feelings into words. But.... there is one thing I can surely tell you over and over again. I love you, Park Seonghwa.

From your Pirate King;)

Seonghwa scoffed at the last line.

'Where did he learn that?'

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