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The man keened as he heard foodsteps coming closer, followed by low mumbling of what seemed to be incoherent words. Seonghwa kept his eyes glued to the direction where he heard the sounds.

The mumbling he heard became louder as if the other was just a corner away.

"'Tis scallywags be orderin' me around. Who do they think they be? Be the cap'n they say, it be fun they say. Argh."

The minute he raised his head, the other man rounded the corner as their eyes met, both flinching in surprise while the other almost screamed.

"Yah, yah! I did nay know ye're there, I'm sorry." the other apologized as he continued looking around with a bag in hand which seemed to be filed with rocks.

"W-what are you doing here? What are you holding?" he asked nervously as he leaned on his arms, his eyes scanning the other.

We wasn't wearing anything formal and to be completely honest, the choice of clothing or the way they wore it was very new to Seonghwa. He didn't seem like a man from the city at all.

"What am I holdin'? What am I 'oldin'? Oh, right. Ye mean this? 'Tis a bag o' gold or a bag o' rocks." he said which made Seonghwa raise a brow in confusion. Was he saying incoherent words or this is a dialect he never heard of?

"Ye don't understand what I'm sayin' don't ye?" the stranger asked, this time, finally looking at Seonghwa.

The black haired male shook his head which made the other sigh, "'m sorry, I be speakin' in a pirate dialect. I'll try speaking more 'coherently'" this made Seonghwa chuckle as he patted the space beside him.

Looks like he'll like the man's accompany for a while.

"I could sense yer confusion. Go on, fire the questions." the other said upon sitting as he made himself comfortable, setting the small bag on his lap before looking up at the man and smiled.

"Firstly, what's your name? Are you from the city? You don't look like you did. What are you doing here? Why are you speaking in a pirate dialect?"

"Come again?" the stranger looked at Seonghwa innocently yet mockingly which made the man whine.

"Me name? I'll tell ye later. I'm not from the city, I'm from another island far from 'ere. I speak in a pirate dialect because I am a pirate."

Seonghwa's eyes then widened as he moved away from the other a little which made him laugh, "I am not going to kill ye! I'm basically the one trespassin' 'ere."

"T-then what are you doing here?"

The pirate began explaining as he fiddled with the rings on his fingers while staring at nothing.

His crew had basically begged him to look around the beach to look for shells they could keep. They said it was better if he was the one that left to look because he knows a lot about seashells. The pirate thought it was ridiculous because shells are just shells and they are all the same to him. But then Wooyoung kept insisting that there are differences in which he even elaborated, leading their captain to agree half heartedly.

"So you're looking for shells? They sent you here... just to look for shells?" Seonghwa asked in disbelief.

"Aye, stupid right? I only ever agreed 'cause I want Wooyoung to shut up.'e be the very noisy child in me crew. Ye know what? All o' them are noisy to no maximum. But even if they be like that, I still love 'em bastards. Although I do regret accepting their offer of bein' their cap'n."

Seonghwa chuckled,"I might be able to help with that. I know a lot of places around this beach with a lot of shells. Oh, I also know a cave here that has a lot of pretty crystals and..." the rest of the man's words couldn't be processed in the pirate's head. He just stared at the other with a big smile on his face. Surely he felt very comfortable with him. He liked how talkative he was even if he was with a complete stranger. He wondered if he was this noisy at home too. He wondered if the ship would be even more noisier if this man joined them. But then again, he just shook the thought off. The guy has a family, he can't join us.

"... I didn't get your name, surely it's time right? My name's Seonghwa. Park Seonghwa." he heard the other say as he held his hand out towards the other which made him snap out of his thoughts.

He held onto the other's hand, shaking it as he replied with a big and warm smile, "Kim Hongjoong. Hidden by the nickname Pirate King."

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