"Not a bad idea if I do say so myself" Emily nods in agreement.

"After take-off, I want all of you to get some rest," Aaron said, eyes scanning the team "you all look like you need it."

You all nod in agreement. After a case like that, none of you were in a position to argue against sleep.

Although you agreed you should all sleep, that didn't mean it was easy. You all spread out across the plane in your respective sleeping corners. You laid on a couch across from Aaron, both of you observing as each team member fell into a deep sleep. Soft snores and sleepy mumbles could be heard from every member of the team.

Finally, when everyone was asleep, you felt Aaron's eyes on you more often than not. He tended to stay up until everyone else was asleep, just in case anyone was having a rough night and needed to talk. Well, you defintly had some things on your mind, but that didn't mean you wanted to talk about them. All the contradicting thoughts and feelings in your mind were too difficult to express to anyone, let alone him. So instead, you pretended to fall asleep until you heard his soft snores.

You wished you could just curl up with him and sleep, or at least take his jacket and ball it up under your head like before, but you couldn't. Katie was still up, sitting in the corner of the jet, and going back and forth between reading and surveying the room. Apparently, Aaron didn't need to wait for her to fall asleep. Just as well, you think, she would never come to him for anything anyway.

Sleep still being beyond your reach,  you get up from your place on the couch silently and make your way to the kitchenette. Your hope is that Spencer didn't use all sugar, and you could make yourself some decaf tea to relax with.

You start brewing the water and get a mug down from the self. With the privacy of the curtain protecting you from Katie's stare, you felt slightly relaxed. That is, until you heard the curtain slide open.

"Hey, y/n," her voice was gentle as she came up behind you. "Can't sleep?"

"Oh, uh, I'm not super tired," you lied. "Would you like some tea?" You would at least try to be cordial, even if you felt wholey uncomfortable in her presence. It wasn't her herself; she seemed nice enough. She was an excellent profiler and a respectable woman. No, it was more the way she looked at you, with probing eyes that made you feel the need to squirm. She took too much interest in you, and your natural inclination was not to trust her.

"That would be lovely, thank you" she smiles lightly, and you pull down another mug. "Fantastic work today, by the way."

"Oh, thank you, it was really nothing," you reply, keeping your eyes on the boiling water.

"Don't be humble, now," she says "you really did exceptional work. I'm sure you don't hear that often enough. "

"Hear what?" You ask, your head snapping up. You're half ignoring her and half curious as to what she's saying.

"Well, just that you're a competent young woman," she shrugs, "it doesn't seem like agent Hotchner gives you much praise, at least, not what you deserve."

"Oh, you're talking about Hotch," you deduce, your head slightly foggy. "He's fine. He's a good boss and all." It felt like the understatement of the century, but you didn't have the energy to combat whatever weird feud was going on between them.

"Yes, you seem very fond of him," she grimaced, "but you heard what that unsub said today about you being underappreciated and all, and I saw how you reacted."

"Ma'am, I don't-"

"Don't call me ma'am," she said firmly. "I told you, it makes me feel old. I'm not that much older than you, you know. What are you, 24? 27, tops, I'd guess." You both know neither of you are 27.

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