Chapter 25

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You ride with JJ and Reid back to the station, leaving Hotch and Rossi in the other SUV. You're glad that Emily and Derek are still tracking down the unsub because if they weren't, you have no doubt you and Spencer would be getting heavily teased.

When you get back to the police station, the team scatters around the building and finds various jobs. You find yourself with nothing to do, and after a long yawn, you get up and begin your search for the coffee machine.

Eventually, you find a small, old machine in the back rooms. You rub the tiredness from your eyes as you dump out the cold coffee and begin brewing a fresh pot. As the coffee starts brewing, you feel hands wrap around your waist.

"Guess who?" You hear a familiar voice say, pulling you closer back to his body.

"Spencer?" You say with a teasing smile.

"Oh, that's hilarious y/n" you can practically hear him roll his eyes at you. Before you know it, he picks you up off your feet, lifting you into the air as your feet thrash.

"Put me down!" You demand, your laugh undermining your tone "what if the team sees this?"

"They're all busy" he explains, planting a kiss on your cheek before setting you back down on your feet.

"Okay, when a girl asks you to sweep her off her feet, she almost never means literally" you laugh, returning to brewing the coffee.

"Right, my mistake." You see him smile out of the corner of your eye as he wraps his arms around you again, watching you work.

"Coffee?" You ask.

"Please." He places another kiss on your cheek as you begin prepping the mugs.

"What's gotten into you?" You ask, giving him a quizzical look. He was definitely acting a lot more outwardly affectionate than usual, at least for work.

"I just missed you" he shrugs.

"You saw me ten minutes ago."

"That's nine minutes too long." You can't help but smile at him as you poured the coffee into two separate mugs. You knew he probably felt bad about being jealous and was making up for it by being extra affectionate. In a way, it was a bit cute.

"You still take your coffee black?" You ask. You found it odd that anyone could stand the bitter flavor of black coffee. But then again, if you got as little sleep as he did, you probably would too.

"I think I'll take a sugar this time, please."

"Oh, living life on the edge I see" you tease before adding the packet. You quickly add three more to your own.

"To solving the case" you toast, clinking your mug against his. You both nod your heads in agreement before taking a long sip of the caffeinated drink.

"I should've told you this before," he clears his throat "but you did well undercover. You did great work tonight."

"Thanks," you smile, looking down at your glass "it's pretty easy when you've got a good teacher."

"Y/n, are you trying to suck up to me?" He chuckles.

"That depends. Is it working?"

"Yes, unfortunately. But do you know what that would make you?"

"A teachers' pet?" You smirk, looking up at him.

"Exactly. You're okay with that?" He takes a long sip of his coffee.

"It's pretty easy when you're already the favorite student," you say, causing him to chuckle lightly.

"Hey guys," you hear a voice say lightly from the doorway "Emily and Derek are back."

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