Chapter 28

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⚠️warning: mature sexual content and discussion of violence and stabbing⚠

You swing your connected hands back and forth aimlessly as you walk through the park, your red face cooling down in the night air.

"Well, that's gonna be fun to deal with when we go back on Monday," you say after you're out of earshot from Rossi, trying to lighten the mood.

"He's not the one I'm worried about," Aaron says in a nonchalant tone.

"You're surprisingly calm about this" you note, giving him a skeptical look "why aren't you freaking out?"

"Out of everyone, I figured Rossi would figure it out first" he shrugs "he's not the one I'm worried about."

"You're right" you nod "you know who we should be worried about?"

"Who?" He asks.

"Garcia," you say "if she figures it out, it's over."

"Why is that?" He asks, smiling slightly.

"Because, if she figures it out, she'll tell Morgan. Then, Morgan will tell Reid, and then Reid will tell everyone."

"Seriously!" You say after he laughs "That man can't keep a secret to save his life. Even Anderson will be on our case after that."

"Well, then let's try to keep it a secret for as long as possible," he says.

"Right" you sigh. You knew well the reasons you had to keep this a secret. There were assumptions about women who dated their bosses. There were assumptions about bosses who slept with subordinates. Rossi himself knowing wasn't bad, but if the rest of the team knew, not only would the teasing be relentless, but the higher-ups were bound to figure it out too. That dynamic alone created problems that neither of you wanted to deal with unless it was absolutely necessary.

"How long until we get to the car?" You ask, "my feet hurt."

"You were the one that decided to run away" he reminds you with a teasing smile.

"Oh, hush" you shoot back "it's not my fault. Blame Rossi for going all private investigator on us and trying to make me jealous."

"He didn't have to try too hard for that" he mumbles under his breath.

"Shut up!" You say playfully, hitting his arm "you were the one who freaked out on poor Spencer over a fake date."

"Fine, fine" he surrenders "all I'm saying is you were the one who ran out here."

"I know, I know" you murmur, stopping to take the heels off your aching feel. You lift up one leg and begin to undo the strap, but you wobble a bit on your remaining foot.

"Whoa, careful" he warns you softly, placing both hands on your hips to keep you steady.

"Thanks" you mutter, continuing to work on the straps of your shoes. You take both of them off and hold them loosely by the straps before you continue to walk.

You only take a few steps before your cut off by a stabbing pain in your foot.

"Shit!" You curse, feeling a sharp rock penetrate your skin.

"Are you alright?" He asks, giving you a concerned look.

"I'm fine" you reply, "I must've stepped on something."

Before you know what's happening, you feel yourself get lifted from the ground and into his arms. One arm supports your back with the other stays under your legs, keeping your dress in place with the remainder of your skirt flows in the breeze.

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