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Still Namjoon's point of view:

I look out onto the front part of the castle as I stand at the front doors.

"Please tell everyone that I say thank you. You all were super and really kind to me" I say with a slight smile to the now humans that used to be the objects.

"Of course. Thank you for accepting the curse" the human Lumière.
"I wish it turned out different for you dearie" the human Miss Potts says, looking at me with sad eyes.

"It's ok. Once again, thank you all" I say with my last smile, just wanting to leave. I want to hear the ruckus in the workshop caused by father while I curl up in bed with my favourite book.

They all give me sympathetic looks.

"Good luck Young man" the human Cogsworth says. I slightly nod, finally starting my journey.

I walk along the long entrance of the castle as the sun finally started to rise.

When Eve said that the princes turned into the beast in the morning, does that mean in twenty four hours from when they accepted or when they fell asleep?

I look down at my hands as the sun touched my face.

No fur yet.

I don't feel any different so I don't think it's from the rising sun. I'll just have to wait and see when I turn into the beast.

It probably won't be so bad. It probably won't be any different than how I'm being treated.

I continue my journey but I see something in the distance.

...It kind of looks like my horse...

Hey! That is my horse!

With father riding and something else clutching to him.

I assume he'll stop for me since I'm literally the only person on the wide open road.

He stops next to me with a concerned face while a troll or something stares at me with an interested look on her face.

I was about to say something until he hurriedly asks me "Excuse me young man, do you know if a castle is close by with a hideous beast."

I freeze.

I don't even notice the tiny wave the troll gave me.

"Huh?" I question. Did I already transform? I look to my hands to find that they are still human hands.

It looks different but in a different way...

"Oh never mind" Father frustratedly says about to ride off.

"Wait wait-Father, it's me. Don't you recognise me?" I ask, really confused now. My voice sounds a little different. It's somehow smoother and a little deeper.

I try to clear my throat while Father looks closely at my face.

"Namjoon?" He questions. I nod. He instantly lights up, giving the biggest smile.

He almost leaps off the horse to give me a massive hug.

"I was so worried for you. I was trying to gather help but people thought I was crazy" Father explains into the hug.

"It's ok" I smile. I feel happy to see Father again but my heart still breaks.

He pulls back from the hug, grabbing me by the shoulders.

"We will kill off that horrid beast" Father says with determination.
"No!" I say all too quickly, alarmed by Father's resolution. Father is caught off guard by this.

Princes charming (Bts x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin