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Still Namjoon's point of view:

I didn't think I would actually agree.

The beast suggested that we share a dance tomorrow night. I agreed for reasons even I can't explain.

But the thought of dancing with her gave me butterflies and excitement.

And I'm not even the biggest dancer.

I hate dancing yet I'm excited to dance with her.

"Are you sure you don't want makeup, Sugar? This is an important night after all" my wardrobe asks me AGAIN.

I know I'm not the most handsome person in the world but this is seriously annoying.

"No thank you. The suit looks beautiful" I politely deny and quickly move on to the next topic while looking at myself in the mirror. The suit was very beautiful. It was this deep velvet blue with delicate gold patterns.

"Of course. You have to look perfect for tonight" the wardrobe says.

It seems even the living objects were excited for this dance for some reason.

This place is beyond weird.

I finally escape from my wardrobe and I go to the ballroom just like Lumière said.

The ballroom is cleaned up and the it's glowing with grand chandeliers. It looks a lot bigger than before.

I feel my heart beating out my chest. I'm super nervous. What if I step on her feet? What if I rip my suit? What if I fall flat on my face?

All my questions mingle to one as the doors start to open but the moment I see her, I calm down instantly. For the first time, my mind goes blank as I take her in.

Her strange charm mixed with her beautiful yellow dress.

I walk to her with my jelly legs, trying to show all my confidence I have left.

"You look beautiful" I say as I kiss her fur covered hand. She doesn't say anything.
"Shall we?" I ask as I hold out my arm.

Music starts playing as I escort her down the stairs. We eventually reach the bottom.

"I don't know how to start" I nervously laughed.
"Follow my lead" she laughs.

She guides my hands to where they are supposed to be. She somewhat takes charge while I fumble over my feet.

"Look up" she giggles. I instantly look up to lock eyes with her. She has a great smile on her face that brings a bit of colour to my face.

I almost forget that we were dancing as I watch her happiness. I actually enjoy the dance.

We eventually walk out onto the balcony.

"That was so much fun. I haven't danced for the longest time" the beast says, incredibly satisfied.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I say, having a slight smile on my face as I watch her.

"...Namjoon..." she says my name that gives me goosebumps.
"Yeah?" I ask, urging her to continue.

"Do I really look beautiful like this?" the beast asks again.
"Of course. Why wouldn't you be?" I say with a smile.

"Because I don't really look like this" the beast says as she looks away.
"I don't have much time left" she sighs out as she rests her elbow on top of the balcony, head falling into her hand.

"What did you say? Are you going to die?" I ask with wide eyes, my heart beating faster and faster at the thought of her dying.

"Huh? No-I'm talking about my curse" she says, never looking at me as she looks upon her overgrown garden.

Princes charming (Bts x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt