Chapter 29

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I walked into the great Hall the next morning to see there was nobody there, weird. I went in every class room, still nobody. I ran outside to see some girls huddled up crying, scared. I went to them and they just screamed.

" what's happening?" I asked " they're here!" a girl said " who?" I asked grabbing my wand " the death eaters!" a girl almost yelled

I looked around and ran back into the school. Damn it draco, he really done it, he fucked this school up. I heard people fighting. I went down that Hall and saw Harry, I ran down and shot the person who he was fighting with. Harry looked at me and I looked at him.

" you shouldn't be here y/n" Harry shot " who said?" I shot back.

I looked around and saw platinum blonde hair go in a classroom. I ran to the classroom and saw draco.

" draco!" I yelled. He turned and looked at me then behind me. " take her" I looked behind me and saw Bellatrix. " draco! What the hell?!" I got cut off by someone taping up my mouth. I kicked trying to get out of her grip. I looked at draco and started to cry.

I woke up, looked around and saw that I wasn't in Hogwarts anymore. I tried moving but it didn't work.

"DRACO!" I yelled. " shut up little girl" a voice said. The door shut letting me know nobody was in there anymore.

20 minutes later someone came in and started laughing. " go on Bella" the same voice said. Bellatrix untied me and ran her wand against my arm, she pressed my arm down roughly. She pressed her wand down in my arm as far as she could. " DRACO!" I yelled while kicking. Dracos mum came running in.

" let her go now!" she almost yelled. Bellatrix got off of me and grabbed me up and shoved me to dracos mum. " both of you your rooms right now!" she said to the two people in the room. They walked out.

" are you okay sweetie?" she asked me " y-yeah I'm fine" Cissy took me and put me on dracos bed. " he'll be here in a second give him some time" she said while walking out.

I looked at the ceiling for a long time then someone came in. " draco...?" I asked while looking up. " y/n come with me" it wasn't draco it was his mum. I got up and followed her. She took me down the stairs. " draco apologize now" she said sternly.

I looked right at him while he looked guilty. " babe I'm sorry please forgive me!" he pleaded " it's okay baby" I replied hugging him " it's alright chill out please" I said.

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