✨Alleyway SuperNova✨

Start from the beginning

It was a one bed, one bath house but they took it because anything was something, even though it wasn't a suitable house for two 5 year olds. Miss Tia got hired as a clerk for the outlet but didn't make much money and her boyfriend at the time got mixed up in Malcolm's gang, landing a job for drug shipments. He knew Malcolm was loaded and he thought he could get on the leader's side and get paid big time. It didn't work like that.

Tia's boyfriend was borrowing money and never paid it back. He was even stealing it. He got into drugs and did a complete 360. Tia argued with him about it because this was not the man she fell in love with and had kids by.

Stealing or owing money to someone in a gang is already an automatic death sentence for you. But owing and stealing from the leader???? You might as well dig a grave for yourself. Bad...bad mistake to make in a gang because that means revenge is on you if you mess up and that's exactly what happened....well.....sorta.

Malcolm was pissed about his money and was out for blood. He was only 16 at the time and he wasn't with Ash yet, but he was powerful and dangerous. His dad ran the company all the way in Mexico, so Malcolm ran the shipments in the neighborhood called East Garfield Park, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago.
(❤️The highest is the red colored one❤️)

 (❤️The highest is the red colored one❤️)

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Janova wasn't born in Chicago. She's originally from New Orleans Louisiana. She has a slight accent but because she didn't stay there long she didn't fully develop the native tongue. You can rarely hear bits of her accent. You'd have to listen very closely to hear it.

One night while the twins were asleep in the bedroom and while Tia and her boyfriend were arguing, Malcolm and a few of his right hand commands, drove by the house and shot it up. A drive by as you would call this unfortunate situation.

Miss Tia dodged while sprinting towards the one bedroom in the entire house, upon hearing the gun shots. The sorry ass boyfriend dove to the ground to protect himself. She ran to the only bedroom in the house, only to find her kids dead.

The girl of the twins was shot in the head and the boy was shot in the chest near his heart. Because of them being so little and small, being 5 years old, their bodies bled out faster. The sheets were covered in the blood of her only kids. She cried and screamed while holding them, blood staining her clothes. But she could care less about the blood. They were killed by Malcolm's gang. Just because of something her stupid boyfriend did.

Miss Tia went insane, she couldn't have any more kids....ever. Her ovaries had been removed because they were causing her too much pain and she was getting near her 40s by a couple more years. It was too late.

She kicked her boyfriend out that night. She'd lost a part of her, something no woman should have to experience. Those kids were hers and now they were dead. A few days later her ex-boyfriend got into a fatal car wreck and flipped off a cliff, into a ditch, where the car caught on fire.

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