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"it's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him
so i got myself a citrus friend"


hyunjin woke up to the faint sounds of birds chirping outside. he decided it was a quiet & peaceful morning, then he remembered yesterday's events. he groaned & rubbed the drowsiness out of his eyes.

he naturally got out of bed & saw the time was only 7:14 am. usually, he would have plans with jisung, but he doubts jisung would even want to talk to him after the argument they had yesterday.

he mindlessly scrolled on his phone as he ate his cereal, & once he finished, he had the idea to text seungmin.

hyunjin: heyy :p
doing anything today?

hyunjin noticed it was almost immediately read, but seungmin took a few minutes to actually respond.

seungmin: why?

hyunjin: just curious :c

seungmin: i'm not doing anything today

hyunjin: cool!
so, wanna hang out??

seungmin: i thought i said we weren't doing that?

hyunjin: you said not ALL the time >:)

seungmin: you got me there
what are you thinking?

hyunjin: maybe let's meet at the park?

seungmin: time?

hyunjin: 9 am?

seungmin: ok, i'll be there

hyunjin: ^_^

hyunjin felt strangely giddy as he got ready. he chose a white t-shirt & some jean shorts since it was getting warmer. he doesn't miss a step in his routine & he leaves his house at 8:50.

he walks towards the nearby park that he'd normally only been to with jisung. he felt a hint of guilt for not making up with jisung... his pace slowed as he got lost in his thoughts, & he realized he was at the swings.

seungmin was already sitting on one, waiting for him. he quietly joined him on the swing next to his, & seungmin checked the time. "very punctual, it's exactly 9."

hyunjin let out a soft laugh, "i'm surprised you bothered coming early."

seungmin shrugged, "like i said, i'm not doing anything today."

hyunjin smiled down at the mulch as he pulled back to start swinging. seungmin did the same, "where's your friend?"

hyunjin felt guilty again & avoided eye contact as he went back & forth on the swing. "he was busy..."

seungmin side eyed him & left the subject alone.

once hyunjin got high in the air, he smiled mischievously at seungmin. "i can land on my feet from up here."

seungmin looked at him skeptically. "no, you can't," he challenged.

hyunjin scoffed. "yes, i can! i've done it hundreds of times. just watch." seungmin watched as he waited until the perfect time to jump off. he jumped & landed on his feet like he said could, but lost his balance & fell onto the mulch. seungmin tried to hold in his laugh.

hyunjin laughed out of embarrassment, "usually it's smoother than that, but i still landed on my feet! at first..."

he caught seungmin smiling, & he couldn't even be mad at him for it, because his smile was genuine. seungmin jumped off too, landing on his feet smoother than the other.

seungmin reluctantly asked as he held in more laughs, "are you okay?"

hyunjin was slightly surprised at his question but laughed it off again. "i'm fine, just a little scrape on my knee." seungmin looked closer & noticed it was actually bleeding.

"um, don't you want a band-aid for that?" he said. hyunjin looked at it, only feeling more embarrassed. "yeah."

he stood up & they decided to walk to the convenience store to buy a small pack of band-aids.

it was a short walk, since it was just across the street. hyunjin hummed to himself on the way there while seungmin listened without objecting.

they walked into the store, & seungmin took the lead by finding the band-aids. hyunjin forgot about the band-aids & instead got distracted by the candy aisle, looking for his favorite chocolate-caramel candy bar.

seungmin walked behind him after grabbing a tiny pack of band-aids, sighing. he grabbed a pack of trolli sour gummy worms, then took the twix bar from hyunjin's hands.

hyunjin opened his mouth to protest against seungmin snatching his candy from him, but seungmin was already at the counter paying for all 3 items. he went to stand beside seungmin as he paid, whispering a 'thank you' as seungmin nodded.

he handed the candy bar back to hyunjin as they walked out of the store. as seungmin opened the door, two familiar faces approached it.

jisung &... minho? hyunjin thought to himself.

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