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"there once was a bittersweet man & they called him lemon boy
he was growing in my garden & i pulled him out by his hair like a weed"


"hey! i want donuts! let me get donuts!" jisung said excitedly, standing in front of the handsome black haired boy named hyunjin, & the case full of donuts & muffins.

they came to this small convenience store so often that they basically knew where everything was by now, & today jisung dragged his best friend here so they could buy something quick on their way to some local park he really wanted to go to.

"fine, you dont need to be so loud though," hyunjin said, laughing a bit. jisung rolls his eyes playfully & grabs the plastic sheet to get the donuts out of the case without making a mess.

"you getting anything?" jisung asks while reaching into the case, grabbing two chocolate frosted donuts. "maybe an iced coffee.." hyunjin replied, wandering off to the drinks area. jisung already knew the 'maybe' in that sentence wasn't needed, the older loved ice coffee.

once they both got their things they started to walk towards the door to leave. however, hyunjin was trying to multitask by fixing the lid on his coffee cup while walking at the same time, he didn't even notice a boy slightly shorter than him standing right in front of where he was walking.

hyunjin bumps into the other, & the smaller boy curses while hyunjin gasps.

"ah- i'm so sorry! i wasn't paying attention-"

"obviously." the other replies with some harshness in his voice.

"please forgive me," luckily no coffee got on either boys, but hyunjin still felt horrible for bumping into him. "i-"

"hey, hyunjin! hurry up, i've been holding this door for so long i feel like my arm's gonna fall off," jisung exaggerates.

"sorry, sung!" the eldest turns back to the boy who was crossing his arms, "i apologize again. i wasn't watching where i was going. are you alright?"

"i'm fine. now, i was trying to pay for my stuff, so get out of my way, please."

hyunjin looked at the boy's hands which were tightly holding a pack of starburst candies. hyunjin looks back up & before he could even form a vowel, his friend grabs him by his arm & drags him out of the store.

"at least he said please..." hyunjin mumbled as they left the store, jisung not noticing.

"what is your relation to that boy & why did you take so long talking to him?" jisung asked. jisung wasn't actually mad at him, he was just pretending to be. he was a bit curious, though.

"i don't even know him, calm down! i was apologizing for bumping into him!" hyunjin explains, taking a sip of his coffee afterwards.

"well you took forever. it's fine though, lets go now." jisung replied, & at that, they started walking towards the direction of the park.

lemon boy | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now