Chapter 20

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Jin's POV:

"Why am I doing this?" I asked myself while staring at my outfit in the mirror in my bedroom. 

"You look gorgeous." Taehyung, who was sitting on the sofa, said while watching me from toe to the top. Yep, I should say OUR bedroom.

"I know," I said while fixing my hair without looking at him.

"Can we already go?" Taehyung complained and stood up. He approached me and stood beside me in front of the mirror. 

"Don't we look like a cute couple?" He asked with a smirk and tried to crawl his arm around my waist. I push the arm away and looked at him, annoyed.

"Don't be delusional," I said with a fake smile and left the room. First, I heard a clatter from running. Then he caught up with me and went towards the car by my side.

* * * 

"This is so wrong," I said to myself as Taehyung, and I entered the great hall of Busan's castle with linked arms. All eyes were pinned to us. I heard girls and their mothers gossip about me, and all men bowed to Taehyung with fake smiles.

"Don't be silly. Everything is gonna be fine." Taehyung whispered to my ear as he leaned down to take 2 glasses of champagne from a table. We went to a corner, far from people.

"How much longer do we have to be here?" I asked, annoyed, and sipped my champagne. 

"Babe, I know you want to return to our chamber to have more privacy," Taehyung said with a smirk and wrapped his arm around my waist. Then he leaned down to my ear and whispered.

"But please endure it for an hour. Then you can have me all to yourself."

I wanted to push him and his nasty arm away from me. But we have a deal. So as he said - I can endure it for one hour.

"Oh. My. God!" A high-pitched voice called. Taehyung and I turned our heads towards the sound. A short blonde guy approached us in fast steps in the company of an older man.

"Tae! It is good to see you after years." The blonde guy said sweetly and gave Taehyung a slight hug. Taehyung just stood there with an annoyed expression without a word.

"And you are?" Shorty asked as he looked at me. I could see the same contempt in his eyes as I saw the first time I met him. Taehyung looked at me and said the first thing to the guy.

"My boyfriend," Taehyung said and tightened the grip on me. 

"Prince, Kim Seokjin," Taehyung said proudly while observing me.

"I can see," Jimin said with a fake smile while watching me.

"You still have the same taste as years ago, Tae. Jungkook's taste." Jimin said with a smirk. Taehyung closed his eyes in annoyance and took a deep breath. Then he looked at Jimin's company and smirked.

"You haven't changed either, Jimin. Still the same heartless gold digger." Taehyung said with an ordinary smile, and I had to cover my mouth to stop laughing.

"Mr. Kim, you're crossing the line." The older man said and put his hand on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin pushed his hand away and furiously left. The older man followed him quickly. Taehyung and I burst in laugh immediately after they left.

"You are terrible," I said while laughing.

"I wanted to say it for years." Taehyung laughed. But I realized one thing while we laughed.

"Wait," I said, confused, and Taehyung stopped laughing and looked at me with a smile.

"You and Jimin know each other for years? So you know Jeon Jungkook?" I asked and saw how Taehyung's smile vanished.

"You, Jimin, and Jungkook were friends, right?" I asked another question whose answer I knew. Then I remembered Jungkook's photo! Taehyung's look changed so much that I didn't recognize him first, but now, I realized it all.

"You don't happen to plan revenge against Jungkook, do you," I asked a little hopefully. Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but the loud bang interrupted him. All of a sudden, men jumped through windows into the great hall. I heard women scream, and all guests gathered in the middle of the hall. Those men wore black uniforms, helmets on their heads. They made a circle around guests and held them in the hall. Taehyung took my hand and tried to sneak out with me to exit. But one of those veiled men stopped us and punched Taehyung into his face. He fell to the ground with a yelp. I wide my eyes and kneeled beside Taehyung.

"Are you ok?" I whispered, shocked.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I yelled at the masked man.

"Yeah, I am gone crazy." The man said in a muffled voice. Then he took off his helmet, and I could see his face.

"You are making me madly worried about you," Jungkook said seriously while watching Taehyung and me. I wide my eyes and jumped back on my feet to hug Jungkook around the neck.  

"Oh my god, you are here. You really are here." I cried as I was hugging him tightly and felt as he hugged me back.

"You stay where you are." I heard Jungkook commanded. I guess that he talked to Taehyung, who kept sitting on the floor. I pulled away from him a little to face him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am here because of you," Jungkook said and wiped my tears.

"When I found out that you sent Jae-hwan back home, I decided to shit on all plans and just come here to you," Jungkook said with a little smile.

"Such a hero," Taehyung said mockingly and wiped the blood from his cut lip.

"And what do you want to do? Take him home? You think I will let you?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle and slowly stood up, a little shaken from the punch. I let go of Jungkook and hid behind him.

"I don't want a war, but I won't let you make a fool of me either," Taehyung said, standing in front of Jungkook. They stared at each other, ignoring others.

"Jungkookie, I think you should finish this somewhere else. These people would probably like to go home." I whispered to Jungkook's ear. He nodded and turned around to me. He grabbed my hand, and we, together with his team, left the great hall.

* * *

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" I heard Taehyung's voice calling behind us. I turned my head a little to see him. He was running after us.

"Jungkook, you should talk to him," I said with a worried frown. Jungkook stopped and sighed.

"Team Alpha, return to base," Jungkook commanded, and all men left in big armored cars. Jungkook turned around to face approaching Taehyung. 

"You cannot take Jin away," Taehyung said as he approached us.

"I am not gonna take him away," Jungkook said calmly. I looked at him, a little confused.

"You made Jin send his bodyguard home. So I, as king's upper commander of security guards, have to take his place and take care of prince's protection." Jungkook said, and Taehyung scoffed.

"He is not in danger. He knows it. He..." Taehyung argued. I stood between them aside and watched them.

"Let him decide for himself." Jungkook cut him off. They both looked at me. I wide my eyes and looked from Jungkook to Taehyung.

"I don't mind staying here for the sake of my kingdom, but I need someone I know. I am here completely alone." I said while looking at Taehyung. Then I looked at Jungkook.

"But I don't need the whole army here. Taehyung is deviant, but he is not dangerous. One bodyguard by my side is enough." I said while watching Jungkook. They both nodded in understanding.

"But other things will stay as they are," Taehyung said seriously and stared at me. I realized what he is talking about. I didn't want to irritate Taehyung even more, so I agreed.

"Ok," I sighed, and Jungkook looked at us, confused.

"Wait. What?"


A little of drama.

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