Chapter ~9

81 15 90

A quick note/ tips / background info

~ This novel is set in early 2020, Colombo when Coronavirus first hit Sri Lanka. The first case was reported in early February as far as I can call back my memory. { I'm sorry ima a professional goldfish 🐠😂😅}

And in 2019 Sri Lanka { mainly Colombo} faced a chained bomb incident called "Easter bombings". So because of that, the entire country was under a lockdown from "April to May?.

So we couldn't celebrate our New Year that comes in April properly for almost two years. 😭😭.

Also, WhatsApp's " Block " option was not available back then.{2020} So you could only mute somebody for a year and not delete them forever.

I like the way how I'm typing this down in my baggy clothes from last night when it's 1.12 p.m. 🤪🤫🤡 when my character is someone that wakes up @4 am and takes a shower 😑😁

Also, point any mistakes as you go 🙂.


Yohan woke up at four in the morning and jumped into the shower to take a bath.

He always preferred to take a cold bath in the morning so that it would rejuvenate himself and wash away any sleepiness that was left behind by the lack of sleep he received the night before.

Having to shower in freezing cold water even before the sun comes up sounds like a prison punishment but it was a ritual for Yohan. His morning right that he never missed. Not even on holidays.

"Five months more to the exam!"
He thought as he looked at the calendar that was hung on the wall, that had the days that he would have the exams marked.
It was the latter part of March, and April was almost at hand.


How much did he miss that!

Yohan's favourite time of the year to study peacefully was during the school vacation. It was the ideal time for summing up all the short notes and to read some subject related books for extra knowledge. As there was no school and only tuition classes, he could meet up with his friends and do some group studying as well. But he did it only during the August and December vacations and not in his April vacation.

For April vacation was different!

It was the first vacation of the year for most of the students and most importantly it was one month before the "Vesak festival". The two months had so much festivity involved that he could not concentrate on his studies even if he wanted to!

How on earth was he supposed to concentrate on his studies when firecrackers were blasting anyways?

April vacation lasted not more than two weeks. Yet it was loads of fun because it was the time of "Sinhala and Tamil new year".
It was the time when families got together and spent more time together.
He missed all the good food, the fun and the short trips they went on.
Even though they did not have much time left.

The exams were supposed to take place in August but were postponed to October all thanks to the outbreak of Covid-19.

Hopefully, things would get back to normal once his exams were over so that he can travel around Sri Lanka with his friends as he dreamed all the time.

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