Pinky Promise Part 24

Start from the beginning

"I, uh, just wanted to see how she was," he answered, glancing at the small girl.

Studying the man in front of him Daryl finally lowered his weapon, "Doc gave her somethin for the pain. Knocked her out. He says she should recover, but her voice may never be the same."

"Well it's good she'll be okay," Martinez offered.

"She won't be though. Sister's wedding is in two weeks. She was supposed to sing and now she can't. May not be able to sing at all now," Daryl told him angrily.

Sighing, he nodded, "Real sorry to hear that."

"Andrea said you're staying?"

Fidgeting he nodded again, "Yeah, you all seem to be building something good here."

"We are," Daryl agreed, "Why'd ya help them?"

Shrugging Martinez glanced around the room, "Didn't agree with what was happening. Guy was a psycho and your girl well she didn't do nothin to deserve it," he answered.

"So anyone else ya woulda just let it happen?"

"Guess we'll never know," Martinez replied, leveling his gaze back on Daryl, "I ain't gonna claim to be a saint. Anyone else I don't know, but it wasn't; it was her. Someone who remembers people they've never even met. Ya said it yourself she's too good for this world."

Nodding Daryl sighed, "They're givin ya a chance."

"I know," Martinez responded before turning to leave. Pausing at the door he looked back at the two, "I just wanted to thank her for what she did at the wall for my family," he told him as he opened the door.

"I'll let her know," Daryl assured him. Nodding Martinez left pulling the door closed behind him.

"So you're alive," Bob commented glancing up at the man exiting Beth's room.

"For now," Martinez responded, "Does she, uh, need anything? Like meds or somethin? I can go out lookin," he offered.

"No, we have pretty much everything here. Her sister left this morning for the prison to bring her daughter back since Doc S wants her to stay for a few days for observation and her brother in law was supposed to go back and find her crossbow. Apparently she was upset she'd lost it," Bob told him.

"Her daughter?"

"Uh, I think her name is Judith? Daryl was talkin on the walkies with someone named Carol at the prison this morning. I guess the girl wouldn't settle last night so Maggie said she'd bring the girl here for them. She left a bit ago with Glenn and Tyreese. Merle and JD went lookin for the crossbow," Bob explained.

"I thought Judith was Rick's kid," Martinez commented, confused. Shrugging Bob shook his head, "I don't know. Like I said I'm new. Still trying to figure out who is who between here and the prison."

Nodding Martinez headed for the front door, "I'm gonna find Andrea. See what I can do," he said before disappearing out the door.

After Martinez left Daryl focused his attention on the girl curled up next to him sleeping. Her face and neck were still swollen, but not nearly as bad as they had been the day before. Between Maggie and himself they'd kept the constant rotation of cool towels on her well through the night to bring the swelling down.

The doctor had checked on her earlier that morning and had reported things were looking good with the swelling and her arm wasn't showing any signs of infection. The only concern lay with her voice. The doctor couldn't be sure how much damage was done to her vocal chords.

Beth was under strict instruction to not talk which Daryl knew would be damn near impossible for her to follow. He knew she was upset with not being able to sing at Maggie's wedding so when she fell asleep shortly after taking the pain medicine he'd asked Maggie and Glenn to bring Judith to her.

Hopefully the presence of the baby would put her in better spirits.

It was another hour before Beth finally began to stir. Immediately realizing she was alone in the bed her eyes flew open in search of Daryl. Squeaking at the sight in front of her she began to sit up as quickly as she could.

"Easy, don't hurt yourself," Daryl warned getting up to help her while holding Judith. Sitting next to her he carefully moved the baby to her lap as she wrapped her good arm around her. Humming Beth looked from Daryl to the baby.

"Talked to Carol this morning. Said she wouldn't settle last night and since Doc wants you to stay for a few days I thought it best to have her here with us," he answered her silent question.

Sighing Beth lifted her face and leaned towards him in a silent plea for a kiss.

"Andrea set us up in one of the empty apartments for the rest of the time we'll be here," he told her, "If you're feeling okay we can head there now. Maggie brought you some clothes and she's waiting to help you shower before heading back to the prison with Glenn," he continued.

Making a face at him Beth shook her head as he laughed, "She insisted on helping you and I didn't want to get into it with her by letting her know I'm perfectly willing to help you shower," he told her as she laughed.

"God it's good to hear you laugh," he muttered wrapping his arms around her and Judith before kissing her temple.


"You look confused," JD commented glancing at Martinez as they stood on guard duty at the top of the wall.

Watching Daryl carrying Judith holding Beth's hand as they walked down the street Cesar side eyed the kid, "What's the story with the kid?" he questioned turning his gaze back to the three.

"They pretty much adopted her," JD answered with a shrug.

"What about Rick?"

"From what I've heard he asked them to adopt her. Andrea mentioned one time that she's not really his so I assume it has something to do with that. I've asked Beth about it but she said it wasn't her story to tell so I just let it go," JD replied.

"So she's raising a baby that's not even hers?" Martinez questioned watching as the small family disappeared into one of the apartment buildings.

"I wouldn't let her hear you say that," JD warned, "Judith is hers despite the fact that she didn't give birth to her, but that's just Beth. She's one of the most selfless people I've ever met. When she comes here she spends time with not only the kids but the elderly too. She knows when people's birthdays are and always tries to do something special for them. She's just a good person."

Nodding Martinez turned back to look out over the wall of Woodbury to the road below, "Yeah, she is," he agreed.  

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