Pinky Promise Part 8

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"The shit you doing?  Pointing that thing at me," Merle snarled as he followed Daryl through the woods.  Rolling his eyes Daryl shook his head, "Those people were scared, Man."

Merle scoffed, "They was rude is what they were.  We help take down some walkers the way I see it they owed us some token of gratitude," he argued.  

"Man, they didn't owe us nothing," Daryl sniped back.  

"You helping people out of the goodness of your heart.  Even though it could get you killed.  Your Officer Friendly teach you that......or maybe it was Beth?  Heard the little chinaman ask after her when yous were arguing," Merle taunted.

Whirling Daryl glared at his brother, "You keep her fucking name out of your mouth," he snarled.  

Raising his brow Merle smirked, "Oh ho ho looks like little brother has a little piece of ass on the side.  At least that's a reason to go back for someone."

Rolling his eyes Daryl clenched his jaw, "Man, I went back for you.  You weren't there.  I didn't cut off your hand neither, you did that.  You did that way before they locked you up on that roof," he yelled at Merle.

Scoffing Merle shifted back and forth, "You know I find it funny.  I bet your sheriff and your girl don't know we were fixing to rob that camp blind," he reminded Daryl.  Shaking his head Daryl whispered, "It never happened."

"Yeah cuz I wasn't there to help you," Merle boasted.  

"Oh what, like when we was kids?" Daryl questioned, "Who left who then?" he yelled in Merle's face.  "What?  Huh, is that why I lost my hand?" Merle yelled back.

Pointing the arrow he was holding in Merle's face Daryl yelled back, "No, you lost your hand because you're a simple minded piece of shit."  Turning to walk away Daryl was pulled back when Merle grabbed his shirt effectively ripping it down the back.

Stepping back away from Daryl Merle stared wide eyed at the scars, "I......I didn't know he was," he stuttered when Daryl interrupted him.  "Yeah, he did.  He did the same to you.  That's why you left first," he responded gathering up his bag Daryl started walking away from Merle.

"I had to Man.  Otherwise I would've killed him," Merle told him, watching Daryl walk away, "Where you going?"

Turning back Daryl stared at his older brother, "Back where I belong," he answered.  "I can't go with you.  I almost killed that black bitch.  The Chinese kid too," Merle reminded him.

"He's Korean," Daryl stated.

"Whatever.  Doesn't matter, Man, I can't go with you," Merle retorted, upset.  Nodding Daryl looked back at his brother, "You know I may be the one walking away.....but you're the one that's leaving......again," he told him before turning and walking away.

He'd been walking for not even five minutes when he could hear Merle following behind him.

All hell was breaking loose at the prison when they came up over the rise, "What the hell," he muttered, taking off down the hill.  Daryl could see walkers in the yard and when he scanned the fences saw the front gates had been rammed open.  

Seeing Rick struggling with walkers on the outside of the fences he ran towards them, "Merle, come on," he yelled.  Stopping Daryl pulled the crossbow up and fired sending an arrow into the head of the walker Rick was wrestling with.

He took a moment to nod to Rick before pulling another arrow and loading the crossbow.  Raising the bow again Daryl heard the gun crack and a splat behind him.  Whirling he saw the walker on the ground with a bullet hole in it's head.  Turning back he looked up at the guard towers and found Beth up on the furthest one.

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