Pinky Promise Part 21

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Eyes flying open Daryl zoned in on the noise that had woken him.  'Rick's damn alarm,' he thought, rolling his eyes.  It was just a faint noise with Rick's prison cell being so far away from his own but it was still enough to wake Daryl most days.  

Over the last three months since they had really started on working to make the prison a home Rick had really taken to farm life.  He got up every morning to tend to the animals they'd managed to find at various farms across Georgia.  In addition to the goat that Merle and Carol had found on their first run the prison now had chickens, pigs, and two horses.

After dealing with the animals Rick would then spend time in the garden they'd started.  The last three months had them doing a lot of scavenger runs and they'd found various plants and seeds pretty early on.  Beth, Ben, and Carl had used the library at Woodbury to research everything from how to make their own gas to which plants could be used for medicinal purposes.

Using what they had learned they'd scoured the woods around the prison and had also brought a lot of those plants into the garden too.  They'd brought back a lot of gardening equipment from the farm including a rototiller and so Rick had planted everything and tended to it with Hershel's guidance.

The vegetables Beth had brought back from the farm were still doing well in their boxes and Beth allowed the children to help weed and water them.

Over the months while out on runs they'd also come across other people too.  Some went to Woodbury, mostly the elderly, and the others came to the prison.  Currently they had cell block D filled and half of B.  With the influx of people Beth had found herself surrounded on a daily basis with a handful of kids, who followed her around like she was the mama duck.

With the help of the Woodbury library she and Karen, the woman who had lived through the Governor's attack, had put together a plan to keep the kids educated and entertained.  Beth would visit Woodbury twice a week to help Karen with the kids since Woodbury had double the kids the prison had.  The rest of the time she was running herd on the kids at the prison.

Flipping to his side he smiled at the sight of Beth laying on her stomach, head turned his way, and one of her small hands curled by her sleeping face.  Not being able to resist he brushed his hand down her naked back. 

Mid August in Georgia was hotter than hell and despite the jail's concrete walls keeping things a bit cooler it still got crazy hot in the cells.  Most nights Beth didn't even bother with clothes.

Since she'd put up the sheet across the door he had gradually worked from removing his pants up to removing his shirt too.  He had to admit her nagging of 'being more comfortable' turned out to be right though he'd never let her know that.

Trailing his fingers up and down her spine he smiled when she started to stir.  Opening her eyes she looked at him bleary eyed, "The damn alarm, again?" she mumbled.  Humming in agreement he nodded.

Scooting closer she curled herself around him laying her head on the arm he put around her, "Go back to sleep," she murmured.  Playing with her hair he kissed the top of her head, "Don't want you going out today," he muttered.

Stiffening she propped herself onto her elbow and glared at him, "Are we gonna have this argument again?" she questioned.  Scoffing Daryl rolled his eyes, "Wouldn't be an argument if ya'd just listen," he huffed.

Taking a deep calming breath she sat up, "Daryl we've been over this.  I've been wanting to get back to that daycare for literally four months," holding her hand up as he opened his mouth to interrupt, she continued, "And I know that you've been busy, that there's more important things to worry about than stuff for the kids.  I totally get that.  But there's no reason that Merle and I can't go while you're out on the run with the group today.  You can't take him with you since he refuses to play nice with anyone that's not us so I'm taking him with instead," she stated logically.

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