Pinky Promise Part 18

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Walking into the cell block Beth sighed looking at the large pile of supplies sitting in the middle of the room.  "Beth! I'm so glad to see you," Carol called coming down the steps with Judith.  Smiling widely she met them at the bottom of the steps.

Setting down the two bags she held Beth took the baby, "Hi, Honey," she cood, "I missed you."

Looking at Carol she asked to speak to her in her cell before picking up Carol's bag and following her with Judith tucked in her other arm.  "What's the matter?" Carol asked, concerned.

She shook her head, "Nothing directly I just wanted to give this to you alone," Beth answered handing over the bag, "Daryl and I went back to the farm," she explained.

Trembling, Carol took the bag and slowly unzipped it, "Oh Beth, it's Sophia's doll," she whispered, pulling it out and hugging it.  "Thank you," Carol said sincerely.

Nodding Beth glanced out of the cell and saw Rick looking at the other bag she had left on the steps.  Asking Carol to take Judith she hurried out of the cell towards Rick.  "Rick," she called, "I wanted to give that to you," she told him stopping in front of him, "I found it at the farm.  It was Lori's," she explained.

Nodding Rick picked the bag up, "Thank ya, Beth," he said walking away to his cell clutching the bag.  Sighing she climbed the steps to drop her bag off in her cell before heading back down to direct the placement of supplies sitting in the cell block.

Pointing to all the grocery bags she directed Ben and Carl to take them to Carol and Maggie who were in the kitchen sorting through the container's of kitchenware that she'd forced Merle to take down to them.  Kneeling on the floor she opened one of the suitcases she had packed before rezipping it.  Standing she pulled the handle up and wheeled it to her father's cell.

Heading back out to the dwindling pile she smiled as Daryl came in, "Hi," she greeted stepping over to him and kissing him.  "Hey, ya need help in here?" he asked, "I left Glenn, Rick, and your dad to decide what to do with all the garden shit," he told her.

Smiling she pointed at her suitcase, "That has to go up to my cell," she told him, "These sheets and comforter are mine too," she said, handing him a stack of linens.  Nodding he picked up her suitcase taking it and the blankets upstairs.

Continuing to sort stuff she took a stack of linens to her dad's cell.  Opening another suitcase she realized it was Maggie's and handed it off to Daryl to take up to Maggie and Glenn's cell.  Opening the other suitcase Beth knew it held some of Shawn and her mama's clothes.  She'd figured someone could use the clothes.  Dragging it over to the wall she left it open so the others could look through it.

"What else?" Daryl asked, coming down the steps.  Pulling Maggie's linens out of the pile of blankets and sheets still sitting on the floor she shrugged, "I guess anyone who wants any of this can take it.  I've got two duffels there that have to go up though," she said, pointing.

"Hey Beth what else needs to go?" Ben asked, coming into the cell block with Carl.  "Umm...well Merle's been taking the crates of canned goods down to Carol and Maggie so don't worry about that," she told them, "This container here is filled with bathroom stuff and this one has cleaners," she said pointing to each one, "Take this one to the showers and this one to the laundry room but first if you all want to look through this suitcase; I packed some of my brother's clothes.  You two may be able to use some of it," she told them, gesturing to the suitcase.

"Yeah, we'll look through it," Ben told her.  Heading for the steps to take Maggie's linens up to her cell she also told them to look through the extra blankets and sheets too.  

Meeting Daryl at the top of the steps she smiled tiredly at him, "I'm gonna drop this off in Maggie's cell and then go get Judith to feed her dinner.  She's down in the kitchen with Carol and Maggie."  Nodding he told her he'd wait for her and walk down with her.

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