Pinky Promise Part 2

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It was now April according to Beth's notebook.  The group had celebrated Christmas and New Years out on the road moving from house to house.  Lori was now by Beth's estimation 7 or 8 months along and had the stomach to prove it.  

While they had run in circles all winter Daryl had stuck to his promise and had continued showing her and sometimes Carol both self defense and survival skills in the woods.  She could now start a fire, knew which berries and plants to stay away from, and how to track and set snares for small animals.  She still couldn't quite handle skinning the rabbits and squirrels, but she could catch them and hand them over to either Carol and Lori.

Lori had continued looking on with disapproval especially when Daryl would knock her flat on her back.  Beth didn't care though; over the months she and Daryl had become great hunting partners and she actually felt like she was contributing to the group in a positive way.  Especially the first time Daryl let her use his crossbow to attempt to shoot a squirrel.

She had missed, but he didn't let up until she was a decent shot with it.  Daryl worked with her on shooting and hand to hand using her knife.  Whenever they came across walkers now Beth felt confident enough to help the group fight them off.  Anytime they stopped or had to run Rick would have Beth stick close to Lori to keep her safe and it felt good to use what she had learned to keep someone else safe.

The group had just had to run from what Beth had been hoping would be a good house to spend a few nights in and were currently pulled off to the side of the road arguing about which way they wanted to head.  Beth was currently standing by the open door of the Suburban that Lori was sitting in watching the woods with an axe in her hands.

"Beth, I've gotta," Lori broke off pointing to the woods.  Nodding Beth jogged to the car she had been riding in and switched out the axe with a smaller machete they had found in a random house.  Catching Daryl's eye, Beth motioned to Lori and then pointed to the woods.  

After he acknowledged her with a nod Beth jogged back to Lori, "Ready?" she asked the pregnant woman.  As they made their way into the woods Lori glanced at Beth, "You and Daryl seem to be working well together."

Scanning the woods Beth kept a look out for walkers as Lori unbuttoned her pants and squatted, "Yeah, he's taught me a lot.  There's something about fighting for our lives that brings people together, I guess," Beth responded.  

Rising Lori pulled up her pants and refastened them, "I just worry Beth.  I know how an older man may look to you."

Narrowing her eyes Beth studied the older woman, "My daddy was 15 years older than my mama so age doesn't really matter to me if that's what Daryl and I were about, but we're not.  You know back at the farm you wanted me to live so damn bad and Daryl is teaching me how to live in this world so he's essentially helping me do what you wanted me to do."

Seeing movement from her peripheral vision Beth turned towards it, "Stay here," she told Lori before striding off.  After effectively taking out two walkers on her own Beth stomped back to Lori, "Let's go," she said, moving past her to head back to the road.  

"Beth, wait," Lori pleaded.  

Turning Beth stood waiting.  "Sweetie, I'm sorry.  It's not my place to judge, of course, and obviously you're learning how to take care of yourself," as she motioned behind her, "I just want you to know.  I know I'm not your mama and that you have your Daddy and Maggie but if you ever want to talk I'm available."

Sighing Beth simply nodded before turning towards the road again.  Coming out of the woods Beth waited for Lori to take her seat back in the Suburban before making her way over to the group who looked like they were done discussing things.  

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