Pinky Promise Part 4

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Blinking Beth could see sunshine coming through the barred windows of the prison.  She was tucked up in bed with a blanket around her and a very solid pillow under her head.  A pillow that was moving she noted.  

Slowly raising her head she realized that she was still wrapped around Daryl who was sleeping with an actual pillow shoved under his head and the blanket Beth had was tucked in around them both.  Biting her lip at the thought that she had technically just spent the night with a man she reached out to shake his shoulder, "Daryl," she whispered.

She knew the exact moment he became aware of the situation as she felt him instantly stiffen and then sit up so fast he almost hit his head on the top bunk, "What the hell?" he mumbled looking anywhere but at her.  

Shaking her head Beth scooted away from him and stood, "We fell asleep, obviously.  Did you cover us?" she asked.  Standing as well Daryl backed towards the cell door, "No, sorry, shouldn't've fallen asleep."

Smiling she shrugged, "It's the best night of sleep I've had in literally months so I'm not so upset, Daryl.  Relax, all we did was sleep not a big deal," she told him simply as she sat on the bed and put her boots back on.  

She knew she had them on last night when Daryl had come in while she was crying so someone had clearly pulled them off of her and tucked the blanket  around them.  Beth wondered who in their family had done so instead of just waking them up so Daryl could go out to his own bed roll.  

Once her boots were back on she stood and found Daryl gone which was no surprise to her.  Making sure she had her gun, knife, and machete with her she wandered out of her cell block and down the stairs to find Lori and Carol putting breakfast together.

Approaching them Beth smiled, "Why didn't you wake me?"  I could've helped you," she told them.  Smiling Carol touched her cheek, "With everything yesterday you needed your sleep, Honey."

There was a twinkle in the older woman's eye that Beth knew she had found the blanket fairy.  Blushing Beth wrapped her arm around her squeezing lightly, "Best damn night of sleep I've had since we left the farm," she laughed. 

Smiling Lori nodded, "I have to admit it felt pretty darn good to be off the ground."  Looking around Beth inquired as to where everyone was.  

"Maggie and Glenn are in with your father, Rick and T-Dogg headed outside talking about how to clear the rest of the prison, and Daryl came flying down the stairs just a moment before you did like there was a walker on his tail," Carol laughed noting the rising blush on Beth's cheeks.  

Clearing her throat Beth nodded, "Well I'm just going to go check on Daddy," she told the two women.

Rick gave them the day and Beth was grateful.  She spent it inside with her father and Maggie mostly.  She knew the men were off talking strategy.  Rick had mentioned trying to find the warden's office to locate the armory that was apparently located somewhere around the prison.

She knew they had found it when guns started appearing in the common area.  Carl had shown them the infirmary he had found the day before and she watched them bring load after load of medical supplies into the cellblock.  

She knew she should help but she needed the time with her family by her daddy's bedside.  She'd be prepared for whatever hard work needed to be done tomorrow, but for now they had this day to relax and decompress.

Beth had to admit she was slightly disappointed that she hadn't really talked with Daryl during the day but knew he was involved with helping Rick.  After dinner the group sat around talking by light of their lanterns as one by one each drifted away to their individual cells.  After kissing her daddy goodnight Beth walked upstairs to her own.

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