Pinky Promise Part 16

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"Well that town was a bust," Beth commented climbing back into the truck.  "Yeah, someone's been through it already.  Could be someone living close," Daryl surmised as he pulled the truck back onto the road.

"I remember this town.  Only about fifteen minutes from the farm.  We used to play their football team," Beth told him.  "That where you spent your time; at football games?" he asked, smirking at her.  

Flushing she laughed, "Shut up!  For your information I was in the color guard."  Snorting Daryl glanced at her, "The what guard?"

Rolling her eyes she turned in her seat to look at him, "The color guard.  We would perform at half-time twirling either a flag or a rifle.  Ya telling me your school didn't have one?"

Scoffing Daryl shrugged, "Hell if I know; didn't exactly spend my Friday nights at no football games," he answered.  Clutching her chest in mock horror Beth gasped, "Football is like a religion in the south Daryl.  What is wrong with you?"

Shrugging again he told her he didn't have much time for school, "Didn't even finish high school.  Dropped out to follow Merle around," he told her.  Cocking her head Beth grinned, "Well look at that we got something in common.  I didn't graduate either," she told him.

"Not the same.  You didn't have a choice; I did  Was stupid to leave with Merle," he responded.

Sighing she shook her head, "I don't think you had a choice either.  To stay in that house without your brother; you had to go with him.  You can't keep going back there," she told him quietly, "Ya gotta let it go and be the man you are now not the man you were."

Chewing the inside of his cheek he glanced at her, "Maybe I need ya reminding me."

Smiling she leaned over kissing his cheek, "Every damn day for the rest of our lives," she told him.  Laughing when he held his right hand out to her pinky up she linked their fingers together, "Pinky promise."

The moment of happiness was quickly replaced with one of nervousness when they found their way turning down the dirt road to her family's farm, "Well at least the mailbox is still here," she commented looking at the mailbox with Greene written on the side.

Scanning the woods as Daryl drove down the lane Beth didn't see any walkers roaming.  Coming out of the tree line she gazed across the fields with tears in her eyes, "It's still standing," she whispered, smiling at the sight of the large white house with the wraparound porch that had served as her family's home for generations.

Pulling the truck up as close to the back porch as he could get it Daryl looked around the fields noting the dead bodies from when they'd tried to protect the farm, "Couple walkers still roaming but seems quiet," he commented, "Let's clear the house first.  We're losing daylight," he told her as they climbed from the truck.

Walking up the front steps he used his crossbow to bang on the front door, "Door's closed, maybe we'll get luck and nothing's inside," he commented.  Pressing her lips together Beth nodded, "Patricia pulled it closed when we were leaving before she was ripped away from me."

Squinting at her he asked if she was okay.  Smiling she nodded, "Yeah, I just never thought I'd see this place again.  Thank you for bringing me here."  Shrugging he flushed, "Don't need to thank me," he muttered.

Raising his crossbow he told her to open the door.  Sweeping past her he entered the house with Beth following behind him.  They got lucky and other than some broken windows it didn't look as though any walkers made it inside.  After clearing the house top to bottom Beth went back to the truck to grab their bags.

Dropping the bags on the kitchen counter she went to the top of the open door leading to the basement steps, "What are you doing?" she called down.  "Your dad said the generator's down here," he called back.

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