I started walking past her to go out. “Where are you going?” She calls after me. “None of your business.” I reply.

She grabs my shoulder. “Yes it does your my little sister.”

“Don't you think it's a little late to be playing big sister?” I snap. Pulling my shoulder back from her grip.

“Anna, are you going after them?” She questions.

“It doesn't matter, what I do, I can take care of myself.”

I grab my jacket and pull it on. I zip it up and walk toward the door. “Anna!” Cora calls after me.

I whirl around. “He was my brother too.”

I swallow an angry lump in my throat. “I went through everything with him, I was with him everyday, so you don't get to play that card.”

She looks down her jaw clenched. “Let me help you.” She says softly and for the first time I really notice, her eyes are filled with tears.

I nod slowly. “Okay.”


We go the abandoned mall. “You sure you wanna do this?” She questions me. I nod.

“Well it would be nice to bury one family member.” I in a monotone and walk in. I still feel a little light headed and I don't know why. I'm not bleeding that much from the wound from Ennis, probably because I only ate a granola bar for breakfast.

“He's gone.” I whisper. Cora turns her head and they're both gone.

I walk down further looking for a blood trail to follow when I hear an object clatter. I pop out my claws immediately.

Then I see it's Peter. Oh this day just keeps getting better.

“It's just me, your uncle, Uncle Peter.” I roll my eyes. “Put the claws away Annie.” Peter calls to me.

I roll my eyes and purse my lips. He's really getting on my nerves today.

“Uncle Peter who killed sister Laura.” Cora replies.

“Mmm. Not my finest hour, no. But I'm hardly the only dysfunctional family member. Did Derek or Anna mention that Derek killed me, too? Slashed my throat, ear to ear.” Peter counters.

“But we hate you so...” I retort.

“So that means I should trust you?” Cora snaps.

“Actually, I'm wondering if I can trust you.” Peter counters.

“You've known me for 17 years.”

“I knew you for 11, leaving the last six unaccounted for. And I'm not particularly fond of things unaccounted for.”

“And we're not particularly fond of you, so if you're not here to find Derek, get the hell out.” I snap.

“What are you doing here?” Cora asks.

“Same as you, wondering where the bodies went. Wondering if they were carried out, or maybe if one of them managed to find enough strength to push themselves up off the floor and walk out, leaving the three of us standing here to answer the all-important question.”

“Which one?” I ask my voice catches.

I fall back some but I catch myself, and Peter reaches out and grabs my arm.

“Anna?” Cora says.

“I- I'm fine.” I state. I straighten up.

They both look at me, I give them a fake half smile.

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