Chp.3 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.3

Start from the beginning

Queen Moon: You're right, I don't. I just had a feeling about it.

(YN): Nrrrgh!! You lousy hag! Treating me as some kind of friend, after stabbing me! Besides, you and your allies started the fight! I'm not gonna forget about what you all did to me! Especially you of course!

Queen Moon: Then, what do you want?

(YN): What I want?! *chuckles* oh you know what I want.

(YN) reaches for his sword behind, takes it out and gets in battle position, as he then says..

(YN): To settle this with swords!

Hekapoo Mind: Wh-What?!? No!!

(YN): I'll make a whole on your chest as big as this one when I win.

Queen Moon: I see, and what if I win?

(YN): ...Do whatever you want with me!

Queen Moon: I see...Well, as you wish.

Queen Moon then raises her hand up as she then summons her magical sword.

Queen Moon: I rather enjoy settling things, by force.

Hekapoo came out from the tree and yells..

Hekapoo: Queen Moon!! Don't do this!!

(YN) Mind: Her again.

Queen Moon: Leave us alone Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Wh-Wha?!? But-

Queen Moon: Please Hekapoo. I've got this.

Hekapoo stood quite, as she then backs up away a little...

Queen Moon: No matter what (YN), I will have what I want.

(YN): Tch. I have enough with this bullshit! You make me sick!!!

(YN) goes charging to Queen Moon as he swings his black sword to her, Queen Moon quickly blocks his sword attack with her as their swords clashed each other's...the two started clashing, dueling, as (YN) swinging his sword like a mad man to Queen Moon, as Queen Moon can evade and block his sword attack with an ease, after that, Queen Moon quickly swings her magic sword and was able to cut (YN)'s left arm, which cause it to bleed out and made (YN) trip backwards...

(YN): A-AARGH!!! Shit!! *Damn it, she's something else. I know I can easily cut through steal with this sword, but she easily evades and blocks every blows I swing at her...and uses one arm to handle this! She is...good.

(YN) recovers as he gets up and gets into battle position again...

Queen Moon: You know, we can always suspend this duel, until you recover completely. If you rather.

(YN): Nrgh! Shut up!!

(YN) rushes at Queen Moon agains, swinging his sword at her like a mad man again and yet Queen Moon still evades them like nothing...

(YN) Mind: I have to win! I have to defeat her! I need to! Faster! Stronger!

As Hekapoo was watching at a distance, she is more surprised that Queen Moon by herself can handle (YN) alone...u til she then hears Mina's voice, she turns around and sees her, Glossaryck and with other guards coming right up towards the duel...

Mina: That brat! He's at it again! Kill him Queen Moon!

Hekapoo: Mina, all of you wait!

Hekapoo then stopped them from getting in to help Out Queen Moon as she says...

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