"You damn Romanoff men always know how to make me cry."

While the moment is only about 30 seconds long it's just long enough for me to think back on all the moments between Ale and me. Since day one he was my confidant, he saw Nadei and me at our lowest and highest moments. We instantly bonded and he became my brother, the day he aided my wounds I knew he was someone I could always count on. He held my hand when I was terrified to walk into that bar that night to meet Nadei and now he's holding my hand leading me to him again.

At this moment I don't see anyone sitting in the audience I'm in total bliss staring down the aisle waiting to see my Nadei.

Halfway down the aisle, we stop, at my last Romanoff man. If I said it once I said it a thousand times, Gerald will always be a Romanoff in my eyes.

"Good luck Kroshka" Aleksander softly kisses my cheek as Gerald takes my hand.

"You look beautiful Malishka, are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be Ger." I smile as we begin to walk down the aisle, my mind blinds me thinking back to how Gerald and I began.

My Ger Ger, the sweetest kindest mobster you would ever know. We started rough, he didn't even acknowledge my existent in the beginning but I still remember him telling me that he was my protector, with him I was free he never saw me as a burden or pain. I know he would lay his life down for me and I would honestly do the same. He's my friendship soul mate, my best friend, and if it weren't for Gerald I can't even think what would've happened to me on that horrible night.

"Malishka, it's time"

I'm lost in thought when Gerald's voice brings me back to reality. This is the end of the line, my 3 boys leading to my final man.

"My Nadei," I whisper.

My heart stops as I stare at the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life, his blue eyes shine against the jet-black tux he's wearing. I can't help but be in awe of this man, I've never been so attracted to someone before. Nadei smiles as he waits for Gerald to release me.

"Alright big man, Nikolai, Ale, and I would like to remind you if you hurt her we will murder you happily" Gerald puts on a giant grin before kissing my cheek.

I can't help but laugh at Gerald's claim, though I'm 100% sure it's true I know that they know Nadei would never hurt me.

"Gerald. Go away" Nadei continues to stare at me ignoring Gerald and I feel my cheeks becoming red.

"Ok, that's rude." Gerald jokes before placing my hand in Nadei's. I watch as he walks away joining his brothers.

"My love you look breathtaking" he whispers before taking my hand in his.

"Thank you Nadei. You don't look too bad yourself"

The priest begins to trail off into his speech as Nadei gently rubs my hand the entire time, Nadei and I while it may not seem like it we do like to stay towards tradition. We chose the most iconic, traditional Catholic Church in New York City.

St Patrick's Cathedral, though it's not usually allowed we were able to have a completely private ceremony closing the church down to all outsiders.

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