max had his arm around maddie whilst mason walked next to them

max was soon to meet my eyes.

when his eyebrows furrowed and panick rose on his face i turned back to ross

he was staring at my leg.

he soon looked up at me "don't try match mine, take your time okay?"

i nodded.

after a few seconds max was near us, i looked up immediately but ross took my chin with his two fingers

"my eyes, not theirs"

i knew he didn't mean it like it sounded but i could see max' hurt face from the corner of my eyes

after a few minutes my breathing was back to somewhat normal

ross sat back down next to me and spoke "i think we should head home"

my dad nodded "i'm going to stay for a little, sort out some...things"

ross nodded as he placed his hand gently on my leg "you want to go?"

i nodded slowly.

"okay" he whispered

he stood up and i slowly followed

"i'll take you guys" max stood up

maddie and mason nodded as they went to give my dad a hug, i did aswell shortly after


the car ride home was silent, apart from a few sniffles from everyone once in a while

when we got home no one said a word, i went in and staright up the stairs and into my room

it was dark but i didn't bother turning the lights on, i threw my phone and glasses on the chair in the corner before crawling into bed

i snuggled up close to the wall and shut my eyes trying not to think about my mother.

the door opened slightly and the light from the landing shined through the slight gap

it soon shut and i closed my eyes praying whoever had just walked in would think i'm asleep

the bed dipped next to me and i knew it was ross just by his scent.

he crawled up to the side of me and wrapped his arms around my waist

i sighed as i felt so rude, i felt like i was pushing him away, and he was leaving soon and the thought of being alone and dealing with this alone would be hard

he lifted his head off the pillow and i felt him glearing at me

i shifted to the side and opened my eyes to find him with his eyebrows furrowed

"hey" i whispered moving one of my hands into his hair and pushing it out of his face

he frowned

"look, i'm sorry" i sighed

he shook his head "no,no i'm sorry"

"why?" i ssked

"i dragged you to seattle and i-

"no, you didn't" i cut him off

"i did"

"ross shor lynch, look at me" i brang my hand to his cheek

he stared into my eyes "do not, blame yourself" i raised my eyebrows

he shook his head and dug it into my neck, i held his head at the back as he wrapped his arm around my waist

sickness and separation (r.l)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя