"Why?" You wondered. She had her own unit that she had started herself. She was highly respected and had a fulfilling career as one of the first profilers. Why did she have to want your unit? Even more, why did she have to want Aaron's job?

She didn't deny it, and even more, her body language gave it away. The tone of her voice, the way she straightened her back, the way her face twitched ever so slightly. Your ability to profile made it crystal clear to you that the kidnapper had spoken the truth. You didn't know if your ability was a blessing or a curse in the moment.

You wondered if he knew she wanted his job, or if she had talked to Strauss already. Strauss would have very little conviction about handing over his job to anyone that asked, you knew. But would she really do that so easily? Without cause?

There was no way. You had to believe there was no way. No way she would steal his job, take over your unit, kick him out. No way that anyone would let her.

Then again, the unsub had said Aaron wanted to leave. That your team had weighed him down from his actual goals. Aaron had never mentioned wanting to go above the BAU. He would've mentioned it, wouldn't he?

"Of course he would've," you tell yourself. "He loves his team. He's got a good position that he hasn't been willing to give up. He would've told me if he wanted to leave, anyway. He wouldn't abandon us like that. He just wouldn't."

But a small, nagging part of your brain reminded you that the unsub was right about almost everything else.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing in your pocket. When you open it up, Emily's name flashes across the screen.

"Hey, anything new?" You ask, pressing the speaker to your ear.

"Reid found something," she said, sounding slightly out of breath "we vetted the main security guy. Turns out he was so convinced his team was clear he didn't bother checking in the equipment."

"So our guy is one of the security guards?" When the words leave your lips, you take a cautious glance over your shoulder.

"We think so. Right now we're talking to Davenport and the lead guy and going over the list of guards in contact with Trish and Cheryll" she says "but Y/n, listen to me. Don't make a big deal, just quietly take Derek and Cheryll and leave."

"Okay, I'll get them into the car. There's another place we could-" your voice is cut off when you hear a noise upstairs. It sounds like a pained groan followed by a grunt.

"Fuck" you mutter "send backup, now."

"Y/n, don't go-" you click off the phone before she has a chance to respond.

You feel your heart race and thump loudly in your chest as you slowly draw your gun out of the holster. You raise it up as you slowly creep up the stairs, eyes darting back and forth around your surroundings.

When you make it up the steps, you turn the corner sharply and practically drop your gun in shock when you see Derek on the floor, doubled over in pain.

"Derek!" In an instant you're crouched beside him, taking his head in your hands and trying to wake him. You feel panic spread through your body when his eyes don't open, but quickly find a steady pulse under his skin.

"He's alright, y/n" you attempt to calm yourself "knocked out, not dead." Your adrenaline is spiked again when you hear yelling coming from the room down the hall. You know you can't do anything for Derek until you take down whoever did this to him.

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