"So, is my banishment over?"

"No," he shook his head "boss man wanted me to come find you. Figured you might get lost in the station."

'How nice of him to be worried now' you think, holding back a scoff.

"What, you want to take a walk with me?" You reply instead "burn some calories?"

"As much as I'd love to spend the night waltzing around the hallways with you, we've got a case to solve" he grinned "I convinced Hotch to let you come with me back to the house."

"Derek Morgan, I love you" you announced, relieved that you didn't quite have to go back into that room yet. You felt a bit bad leaving, but maybe the talk, or rather, reprimanding you were undoubtedly going to have with Aaron could wait on the backburner for a bit. "Let's get out of here."

"Cole and pretty boy are coming with us, too" he said "we have to wait for Emily to finish talking to Hotch, then we're good to go."

"No JJ or Rossi?" you question.

"I think Hotch needs them here more" Derek said simply. With that, you both turn and take the twists and turns out of the station.

The car ride was awkward, to say the least. Derek in the driver seat, Cole in the passenger, and you sandwiched between Reid and Emily in the backseat.

"So, what's our next move?" You questioned, trying to avoid the awkward silence.

"Hotch told me we should wait for a new call and keep an eye on Cheryll" Emily replied from beside you.

"Good call," Derek says from the front seat "the submissive partner will probably follow in his footsteps."

"He'll call again just because he won't know what to do differently. He'll continue with whatever the dominant's original plan was" Reid spoke up.

"And what about the submissive?" Katie asks.

"Hotch will probably work a confession out of him, and hopefully he'll admit the location of the girl" you explained. And most likely fast too, but you weren't going to mention that.

"And you all trust him with this?" She asks, ever skeptical of his capabilities. But why? You asked yourself.

"Hotch is a lot of things," Derek breathes "he may be a pain at times, and a hardass, but he's a damn good profiler. If anyone is going to get a confession, it's him." His tone left no room for argument and beside you, Emily and Spencer nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad you have confidence in him" was all she said.

"Hey, maybe he'll soften up a bit soon" Emily shrugs, speaking just low enough for you and Reid to hear "after all, he's got a new lady friend helping him out."

You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out. Technically, you recalled, you weren't supposed to know yet. Rossi had only told the team to spare you and Aaron some grief, which you were grateful for, but you still had to pretend that the idea of Hotch dating again was some sort of foreign concept.

"Technically Rossi didn't say dating" Reid whispers, trying to match Emily's lowered voice "he just said interested."

"Please" Emily scoffs "the man could probably get any girl he wanted. What makes you think she wouldn't reciprocate?"

"If he didn't tell her," Reid says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world "then she wouldn't know. He tends to put work before anything else, why would he invest time into a new relationship?"

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