chapter 34 / back to the future

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Toki's POV

Isn't he a cute one.
Giggling on the inside I observed the freckled face that had now turned a vibrant shade of pink.
'I was wondering how you felt towards Y/N. But if you're in this deep... I guess I had nothing to worry about.'
Those were the words that had created this interesting sight.
I had been intrigued to find my dear friend traveling with a man.  And a handsome one at that. It was hard enough to get acquainted with her.
But this boy even managed do get close enough to land in the predicament of accidentally being send to the past with Y/N.

What a pain this girl is.
I sighed thinking of the mess she could have made running around in the past not only alone but with another rascal.

Then again that expression she had was more than interesting.
It was what had truly caught my interest.
When this man collapsed an expression of absolute panic fleeted across Y/N's face. She was usually unshakably calm. This person had to be very important for her to show her emotions like that. In fact I could only think of two people who were close enough to Y/N for her to let her emotions slip. And those were Lou and maybe the master.

Perhaps I should thank this boy for letting me see a new side of my friend...
Then again his expression is just as interesting as hers.
Trying to pry some information about his and Y/N's relationship, I had effectively coaxed Y/N's companion into talking about her. It was surprisingly easy. The boy was more talkative than I had expected. All I had to do is talk a bit about Y/N's past and my memories with her and he was caught up in our conversation.
In fact he had gushed about Y/N for a good 15 minutes before my words brought him back to reality and left his cheeks with this fun hue of red.
Seeing that I might have overdone it a bit, I decided to finally cut to the chase.
"What was your name again?"

"Ace. Portgas D Ace."

"Well then Ace-san. Whilst seeing you care for my friend makes me happy, let me give you a warning."
I said in a stern voice, fixating the raven haired man with a glare.
"You know that I have the power of the future right?"


"If you ever hurt Y/N I will make sure you won't have one.
You. Will. Not. Have. A. Future. Understood?"

Curious as to how he would react to this statement I observed the young man. But Y/N's companion surprised me once again, replying with a confident smirk:

"You'll turn into an old woman if you worry about such unlikely matters lady Toki. If anyone ever were to hurt Y/N I will personally ensure that they will not have a future. This time I am strong enough to protect what's dear to me. Although I doubt that anyone could lay a finger on Y/N anyways. She is a monster of strength."

"Seems like she found a good companion."
I smiled as Ace's cheeks once again gained a hue of red.
"You are right Y/N is strong. But that doesn't mean that she is invincible. It is good to know that she has people like you and Lou around her."


Ace's POV

"You are right Y/N is strong. But that doesn't mean that she is invincible. It is good to know that she has people like you and Lou around her."

With wide eyes I stared at Toki. Although I had seen her memories and knew it wasn't true. Y/N seemed more than invincible to me. In fact that was one of the things that had been bothering me. Not that I wasn't happy that she could protect herself. I just felt really useless sometimes. After all what had I ever done for her?

"Hey are you alright? Did I say something weird?"

Dammit I was thinking depressing thoughts again. Stop it Ace! What is wrong with you? Get it together already.
Forcing my famous lazy grin back on my face I replied to the girl who was now staring at me with a confused expression.

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