chapter 37 / Acceptance

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Was it all a dream?
Nervously nibbling on my lip I side glanced at the handsome man sitting across from me.
I had decided to eat an early dinner with Ace in my room and now he was chatting away as if it were any other day.
He was probably asleep after all.
I concluded, sighing in relieve at having avoided an awkward situation.
Me being in love with Ace. That's just absurd. I must have lost my mind. I'm an elf after all there is no way I'd fall so easily.

Glad about the outcome of my analysis I smiled back at the raven haired man who was now gesturing about.
Love for an elf was a sacred thing. Or should I rather say dangerous. If an elf wasn't careful it could easily shorten their lifespan significantly.
What does love feel like anyways? B/N said that I'd just know when it happened.
But will I really? What if I am already in love with Ace? It would mean that I'd loose a majority of my lifespan. I would probably die in the next 80 years...
Surprised I studied the cheeky pirate in front of me. I should be in a panic right now. If this truly was love then I would die incredibly young. But somehow it didn't faze me a bit. For a second the thought crossed my mind that I wouldn't mind this fate if it ment that he'd stay by my side. But I quickly chased away these thoughts. I was not scared. That definitely meant that I just wasn't in danger. That I wasn't in love with Ace.
Grandma what did you feel back then? How did you feel when you decided to throw your life away to be with that one person?

"Oy. Oy, Y/N! Are you listening?"

Startled by the hands being waved in front of my face I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry. I didn't hear you. What were you saying?"

"Geez Y/N. I know I'm handsome. But you could at least pretend to listend whilst staring at me."

"Oh I'm sorry, handsome. Please repeat what you were saying. This fawning lady dared to miss your insightful words."

"Arg, the irony cuts deep. Who taught you to speak like that?"

"Years of handling the scum of the sea."

"You mean pirates?"

"I mean drunk rowdy men who don't know their boundaries."

"Hahaha, I bet they never forgot their manners after an encounter with you."

"Who knows. Most of them left me alone for good. Except for one rambunctious pirate."

"Who was it?!? He better not have done anything to you..."

I smirked as my beloved companion banged his first on the table and shouted out in anger. Resting my head on my hands I leaned forward before continuing:

"I'm not sure. But you might know him. He is tall, very handsome, with black messy hair and freckles. He always sports this very cheeky grin and his fire fists are renowned around the world.
Do you know who it is, Portgas D Ace?"

"Oh shut up."
Ace mumbled, bashfully turning his head away from me as I went in for a final blow.

"But you know what. He is also the only one of these men whom I don't want to leave me alone."

Now profusely blushing, Ace fumbled akwardly with his fingers before gathering his confidence and looking back at me with a smirk.

"Well then Dr. L/N don't mind if I pester you for the rest of your life."

The rest of my life, Huh? Somehow that sounds nice. We laughed at our banter as the treacherous thoughts sneaked back into my mind.


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