Episode 8!!

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B:Nessa can you hear me?

*You aren't moving your under your covers*

*Blake uncover your covers*

B:Hey, what's wrong?

*You sob into your pillow*

*He rub your back*

*You sob hysterically face down on your pillow*


*You keep crying*

B:Nessa I need to know what is wrong!!

*You start to have an anxiety attack from crying too much*

*Blake flips you so that your laying on your back*

B:Tell me!!

*You can't breathe cause you forgot how*

*He rub your back and run downstairs and grab you water*

*Josh walks in*

B:Bad timing!!

J:What happened?

*Blake goes upstairs your crying and trying to breathe*look

*Josh run to you and hold your hand*

J:Baby breath!!

B:This happens a lot.....

J:She has anxiety problems when she is upset!!

B:Yeah....She forgets how to breathe.....

J:How long has this been going?

B:Since she was 8.....

*Josh sit you up*

J:She needs to breathe for 6 second!! Ready Nessa!!

*You cry*

*Blake rubs your back*

B:It's okay Ness!!

J:1, 2, 3!!

*You cry*

J:It's okay!!

*You gasp for air*

B:Is that a good sign?

*You cry*

*He rub your back*

B:Ness clear your mind remember!! Close your eyes!!

*You close your eyes and start to calm down you can breathe again*

B:Nessa are you okay?

J:How are you feeling?

U:I'm okay.....


*Blake hugs you*

B:What stresses you out?

U:Not important....



B:What wrong?



*You lay on Josh's chest*

*He play with your hair*

*Blake leaves*

*You look at Josh*

U:I'm sorry you had to see that....

J:It's okay!!

*He kiss your forehead*

*You cry*

*He rub your back*


J:It's okay!!

U:I'm so stupid...and annoying...And ugly...

J:No you're not!!


J:Stop saying that!!

U:You're too good for me..... I'm trash....

J:Can you stop?

U:I'm trash....

J:Baby stop saying that!!

U:I suck....

J:No you don't!!

*You sigh*

J:Can you stop now? You're a beautiful, amazing and sexy girl I know!!

*You get up*

J:Where are you going?



Brother's Best FriendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz