!found you!

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Sorry for not uploading yestherday i fell asleep and when i woke up it was eleven someting and i went back to sleep Sorry again on with the chapter

The next day the commandments conquer britannia Zeldris putting knights ounder his commandment estarossa fighting escanor and he lost and derieri killed some goddess (i dont know her name)and cut to when monspeet fixs derieri hair from the ark.

(I think that's the right order of what happen)

Derieri/monspeet POV

Monspeet:aaaand done.

Monspeet:do you like your new hair stye?

Derieri:its cool.

Monspeet:am glad you like it oh.


Monspeet:i found this dress and i thought you mith like it as well.

Derieri:oh ok.

Monspeet:and i also thought when we find Y/N you can where this for him,he said with a smug smile.

Derieri blush,and the next thing you here i a loud bag and someone grouning in pain

Monspeet:ow ok,grabbing a bump on his head.

Derieri:(still blushing a bit)hey dont say stuff like that only Y/N can say that.

Monspeet:only Y/N he said with a smile.

Derieri:i will hit you again.

Monspeet:ok i'll stop.

All of sudden they stop takeing and went to the window.

Monspeet:hey derieri can you feel that.


Monspeet:someting off that power level is Height and someone familiar is with them.

Derieri:cound it be.

With meliodas and Y/N.

Meliodas and Y/N where looking for berrys like apples,bananas,strawberries any type of fruit for cooking.

They challenge each other of who can find the most fruit.

On meliodas side

Meliodas man i really found a lot of fruit i wonder what Y/N doing.

On Y/N side.

YN:am so ganna lose why did i even agree?am just a human all well i still need to find fruits to make food.

Flash back

Meliodas:here you go YN food ready.

Hawk:dont eat it YN you'll die.


Meliodas:nothing dont listen to the pig.

Elisabeth:sir Y/N you shoud probably not eat that.

Zaratras:i agree with lady elisabeth.

Y/N:oh ok then.

End of Flash back

Y/N:wonder why they stoped me from eating his cooking.

Y/N continue looking for fruit until he felt someting or some body coming towards him two people no...demons

YN:wait is that derieri and monspeet.

On meliodas side.

Meliodas:oh no i need to get to Y/N fast,meliodas runs full speed towards Y/N.

Back with derieri and monspeet.

Derieri:its definitely Y/N!

Monspeet:someone happy.

Derieri:of coures i am i get to see him again.

Monspeet:well lets get going to see your little boyfrind.


Back with Y/N.

Y/N:yeah its definitely them crap what do i do.

Meliodas arrives beffore the two demons.

Meliodas:hey Y/N.


Meliodas:i think you already know who's hedding are way,we need to leave.


Beffore YN cound finsh his sentence a loud crash was hered not yo far away from meliodas or Y/N.

Meliodas:this might not end well.

From the crash stoud the two commandments.





Derieri runs over to YN and hugs him not letting go

Meliodas:lets give them some privacy.


The two leave to give them some privacy.

Derieri starts tearing up a bit and says.

Derieri(crying a bit)i was so worred about you i thought you might have died.

Y/N:am sorry.

Derieri looks at Y/N confused.


Y/N:i ran away from you guys i ran away from you am sorry.

Derieri:that dosen't ma-

YN:but it dose matter when i saw estarossa kill meliodas i stoud there scard and ran away because i was scard of you guys derieri am so sor-

But was interapted by derieri to a kiss to the lips.

Derieri:hey its ok i forgive you.

Y/N:b-but i broke are promise.

Derieri:you can make it up to me.


Derieri:i'll think of someting.

Derieri hugs YN again bearing her head in his chest.

Derieri:just dont leave me ever again.

Y/N:hugs derieri and says

Y/N:i wont i promise for real this time.

YN breaks the hug and looks in two those beautiful black eyes he loves and kisses derieri passionately and she kisses back both melt in to the kiss and both break away fro air.

Y/N:lets go back to the bar.


Y/N:i like your new hair stye.

Derieri:really am glad you do.

Y/N stretches his arm towards derieri and says.

Y/N:well lets go my little demon.

Derieri:right lets go my love.

The two hold hands and hed towards the bar hat.

Well thats it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it and that you have a good day and that it gets better and again am sorry for not uploading yestherday with that said bye byeee.

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