Chapter one

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This book is a follow-up to the events of the first book, and they would not be at peace forever, as there was something that was not destroyed, and they feared that the zombie apocalypse would return again, and more aggressively.



"I remember it like it was yesterday ... those deformed people ... eating each other ... it was horrible to have to come across those things."

"But it's over, right ... Well ... I believe so ..."

"The thing is ... Many people think it's not over yet, and that something is going to happen soon ..."

"I just hope it is a lie ... and that the world is at peace, as many wanted ..."

_______________ THE VIRUS 2 - CAP 1 _______________

San Jose, April 14, 2034 ...

Almost a year passed, after the old events, all the survivors were in San Jose, or as many call it the city SALVATION.  There were more than 100,000 people there.  In those months, nothing was heard from TC, they believed that finally, the company that caused this apocalypse, was extinct.  Well ... Alex and the others are also in the city SALVAÇÃO, the leaders who take care of the city, made her stand up, and so she started to have work, school, everyone went back to having their normal lives, but in a different city.

Alex works in a shoe factory, Isaac and Daniel work with food delivery, Jennifer works as a waitress, and Beth as a cook, everything was in perfect peace, everything normal, as if nothing had happened.  Every weekend they met at the home of one of them, to eat and have fun together.

The leaders asked many builders to build a wall around the city, but instead of the wall around the city, there were well-armed soldiers to protect the city, and if an attack occurs they would defend the city and at the same time  time to attack.  But there were no attacks in that city, and that was a relief for the leaders.

Alex sometimes he was disturbed by his mind, because he and Jenniffer had not made up, and that disturbed him, because he was at fault for making her nervous with him, he didn’t know what to do, he was afraid that Jennifer would never  forgive him.

Ben became their real friend, but Ellen and Jenniffer didn't get along very well, but instead Hannah and Dayane and Ben got along with each other, and Dayane and Isaac started dating two days ago, they became a very  pretty.  Daniel started dating Beth after Isaac with Dayane, Ben married a friend of Hannah's called Melissa Hanks.

The days went by, and nothing happened, and the townspeople were talking about rumples, who had still been infected, these rumors only grew every day ...

San Jose, 5 May 2034 ------

The rumens kept growing, and it scared a lot of people, and these rumors ended up reaching the leaders of the city, and the rumors were this: People say that there is a base below the city, and that there are people experimenting with infected people  , except that one of them ran away and released it somewhere, and that if this infected person enters the city, all of this will start again, and it may even be worse than the first.

The leaders were afraid to be true, because this tumor spread throughout the city, this topic was the most talked about in newspapers, but the leaders wanted to make sure that it is just a rumor, and that all that they were talking about is not true,  so they sent a group of soldiers to search the cities near San Jose, Alex had done soldier tests to join the army, but he was not accepted, and that was before the leaders sent the soldiers to see if these rumors were real or  no.  In the city there were not many soldiers inside the city, as they could not take out the soldiers who were guarding the city, so they called those who did the soldier test, Alex was in the middle of them, and he was called and directed with the others.

THE VIRUS 2 -- SURVIVAL STILL CONTINUES -Where stories live. Discover now