Secrets Spilled

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Marinette, with the spotted plugs still stuffed in her ears, was rifling hurriedly through her closet in search of the Miracle Sphere. Tikki was fluttering about anxiously, for once unable to give advice. She watched as her holder threw a bolt of fabric to the side with a great flourish, sighing in relief as the scarlet form of her target was revealed.

Lifting the sphere, Marinette wordlessly tipped it to the side, searching for the image of a horseshoe. Finding it, she pressed a finger to the picture once, pushing it into the sphere. The image popped out, opening into a curved container, revealing a pair of round glasses folded neatly inside and setting free a rather exuberant horse kwami.

The glasses turned a rose-gold color when Marinette lifted them from the sphere, adjusting to her personality. She slipped them on without fanfare and, after concealing the Miracle Sphere once more, stood up from the floor. Nodding once to Tikki and Kaalki, Marinette said, "Tikki, spots on!"

Then, "Tikki, Kaalki, unify!"

Ladybug's normal red, black-spotted suit changed in a flash of brilliant blue light. Her torso was covered in a hard, black leather that ended just past her shoulders and went down to her toes, a bright red, adaptable horseshoe held in place below her collarbone. While Ladymare's sleeves and gloves were much the same, she now delighted in the heavier, yet flexible material that gave off a sense of armored strength. And she was very glad to have actual shoes.

"Time to fly," Ladymare murmured, gripping her yo-yo tight. She jumped onto her bed, out of the skylight, and took to the Parisian rooftops.

The Piper, not being a very active akuma, was still in the exact same spot on the roof of Francois-Dupont, surrounded by his minions and a plethora of irises he had enticed to grow from the concrete with his music. Ladymare's heart plunged at the sight, but she steeled herself, pressing a finger against her ears to make sure the plugs were stuffed in tight. She soundlessly dropped down behind the Piper, but he sensed her instantly and soon she was surrounded by citizens who normally would have been friends.

"You think a new outfit can keep me from having Marinette?" the Piper laughed. "Nothing can stop my music from reaching her. Soon, she'll be here, and she'll love me forever!"

Ladymare squinted, trying to read the Piper's lips. She grimaced in frustration and shook her head, eyeing the mob of people separating her from the target. Replacing her yo-yo at her hip, Ladymare made a grab for the horseshoe on her chest, feeling it unlatch from her suit with a soft click. The horseshoe was heavy, but not uncomfortable, and she knew it would be an easy throw.

Many citizens ducked in favor of saving their heads as the horseshoe sped past them in a great arc, much like a boomerang. Ladymare raced forward, glancing back to make the catch but stopping short as she came face-to-face with a pair of horribly-vacant green eyes.

Chat Noir had caught her horseshoe. He had flung it to the ground. He was also clawing her way, clutching a Cataclysm at the Piper's musical demand.

It was time for plan B, and fast.

Flower petals were sent up in a tizzy as Ladymare blocked Chat's bubbling glove, landing a fisted hit to his ribs and aiming to flip him onto his back. But his other hand struck out, flying past her face as she instinctively veered backwards and stubbing one of her ear plugs on his sharpened claws. The look on his face was almost comical as he leaned back, shaking his hand furiously as the stubborn rubber bullet stayed stuck. 

Sound came back to Ladymare all at once, as did the lilt of the Piper's music. Ignoring the fight behind him, the villain had turned round, continuing to play Marinette's song while completely ignorant of the fact that she had already arrived.

Slamming a hand to her head, Ladymare cried, "Voyage!" She was teleported to the Piper's side, feeling woozy due the proximity of his lyre and making a desperate grab for his earrings. The Piper merely leaned back, his expression amused as he continued to strum his dastardly instrument.

People swarmed around Ladymare again, grabbing her arms. While some were much taller than her, they were no match for her Miraculous super-strength and she easily ripped free, practically growling with frustration. Ladymare swung her yo-yo, plugging her ear with her free hand as the music threatened to drag her under.

The Piper was forced to stop playing to dodge Ladymare's attack. She vaulted forward, extending her leg into a powerful kick that knocked the villain backwards, his lyre thrown haphazardly to the side. She snagged the instrument around its hilt and broke it over her knee, catching the akuma within moments of its release.

Luka erupted into a mass of bubbles, his raging cry cut short. He found himself surrounded by a crowd of groaning students—Chat Noir included—and looked up into the smiling, weary face of Ladymare. She offered him her hand, and he grabbed it, taking in her new appearance before erupting into questions.

"What-" Luka let out a breath, "What happened?"

"You were akumatized," Ladymare said, "Something about a girl named Marinette."

Luka blinked twice, and then he blushed. "I think I remember," he murmured, averting his eyes.

Ladymare patted his shoulder, then reached down to pluck an iris from the pale concrete. She handed it to Luka wordlessly, then turned from him, eyes shining with secrets.

Chat Noir was laying flat on his back, half of her Lucky Charm still stuck to one of his claws. He squinted an eye open as Ladymare reclaimed the plug, preparing to throw the pair up into the sky. "Hey, Mari," Chat warbled, rubbing a hand against his eyes like a child, "Saved the day again?"

Ladymare paused, her eyes widening in shock. "Did you just-" She threw the ear plugs, shouting a quick 'Miraculous Ladybug' before kneeling down by her partner's side. "What did you just say?"

Chat was hidden momentarily as her healing magic washed over him. When it faded, his face was marred by fear. He sat up in a rush, starting to stammer, "Um-I mean-I didn't-"

"Shh." Ladymare held up a hand, glancing around at the nearby crowd. People were sighing, shaking the cobwebs from their heads as they were healed from the akuma's effects. It was not a good place to talk.

She held out her hand, her scarlet horseshoe flying into her grasp from its place on the ground. She replaced it on her chest just as the horse miraculous began to beep. Chat's ring was quick to join in.

"Come on, Kitty," Ladymare said, helping Chat from the ground. "We need to go."

Together, they jumped from the school roof, giving cheery waves in passing to those left behind. People had already begun to file back down the staircase. The Piper, in the long run, had not affected Paris in the slightest. He was one of the most mild villains the city had ever seen. 

Of course, that didn't mean he was any less important. Especially not to Ladybug.

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