Ted: Oh shit!

Ted would have flailed out of the bed if he had control over his arms.

Ted notices that it's just Katia.

Ted: Christ Katia! Don't scare me like that! How are you so quiet?

Katia Ascendant: It's been a while since we've talked.

Ted: I don't think we've interacted much at all.

Katia: We've only had two interactions before this.

Ted: Yeah, the last interaction we had was right before the Tournament started right? I mean you were there when I came up to watch Carson and Galv fight.

Katia: Yeah... but you didn't really talk to me.

Ted: That I did not...

Ted would have scratched the back of his head if he could move his arms.

Ted: Wanna come snuggle up to the warmest cuddle buddy you'll ever have?

Ted asks out of nowhere.

Katia: Is this just an excuse to use me as a cat?

Ted: Maybe.

Katia: kufufu~

Ted: I don't like that tone, makes me feel uncomfortable.

Katia: So no cuddling with someone who is "the most wonderful person ever" and "deserves the world,"?

Ted: If I could go back in time, I'd shoot you.

Katia: Why not make a clone and have them do it.

Ted: Well I'm currently having all of my Inergy sucked out of me to make the healing process as fast as it could be.

Katia: So you're almost completely vulnerable right now?

Ted: Yep.

The secret ability I gave Ted that is always active finally decides to be a thing.


Not, after not fixing a problem, inadvertently gave all Brando's a "little help" finding love, by making all humans with animal-like traits, or demi-humans, attracted to them to an almost obsessive degree. Though if a demi-human happens to, oh I dunno, talk to a God and earn the ability to "break the fourth wall," then they are a little immune to this... for six weeks.

I.D. over.

Ted: Well that explains the Blake thing.

Ted: Oh hey, the hearts in your eyes are beating. Wait since when were there hearts in your eyes? I also just noticed that you have heterochromia, cool.

Katia, not being able to control the sudden urge to molest Ted pounces on his chest.

Ted: Oi Not! I thought you said this wasn't an ecchi!

It isn't, I just needed a way to have sexual comedy in my action-comedy story.

Ted: I fucking hate you.

Love you too.

A convenient doctor walks in to check on Ted, seeing a catgirl with heterochromia sitting on their patient's chest.

Doctor Wells: So, I see you're busy with... other things, I'll come back in checks nonexistent watch 'bout half an hour, you'll be fine right?

Ted: Uh-huh.

Ted meant to say "uh uh", but he didn't and the doctor left.

Oh hey look, a convenient weeklong time skip.

The Boy of Threeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें