Universe hopping Filler!

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So this, again, takes place, hypothetically, during the two week training period.

Ted is transported by a random villain to a different universe for about an hour in real-time but a week in the other universe.

Will I do this again? You bet your virginity I will.

To the Filler!

Oh also, when Ren and Theo talk unless it's specifically stated that others can hear them, they are talking in Ted's head


Ted is just vibing on his way to get some ice cream.

Then suddenly a villain dressed in mostly purple uses their universe travelling Tick to transport Ted to another universe.

Ted: Ah fuck I'm falling aren't I?

He gets no response from neither Ren nor Theo.

So he starts hyperventilating, thinking that he is about to die. Without Theo, he can't use his fire, and without Ren, he can't multiply his power to be able to tank the damage, he doesn't even have his Hero Costume.

Ted: I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

That is until he hears snickering in the back of his mind.

Theo: Hahahahahahahahaha! He thinks he's about to die.

Ren: The look on his face was priceless. Heh.

Theo was full-blown cackling, while Ren only exhaled out of his nose a bit.

Ted: You fucking assholes! Next weekend I'm gonna kick both of your asses!

Ted utilizes that weird firey aura that he unlocked at the end of his fight with dubstep boy to levitate.

Ted: Theo when were you gonna tell me I could do this?

Theo: When I cared enough to teach you.

Ren: Heh.

Ted slowly hovers down to the ground and notices that he's in a big ass forest.

Ren: On your six.

Ted shoots a large ball of flames from his back, hearing a loud roar of pain shortly after.

Ted turns to look at the creature he just scorched and sees this.

Ted turns to look at the creature he just scorched and sees this

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Ted: No. It can't be! Why this universe!? Why couldn't I be teleported to fucking Attack on Titan, any universe would be better than here!

Ted continues to shout in pure annoyance that the villain had the audacity to put him in this specific universe.

Ren: Get fucked.

Ted's negative emotions summoned more creatures to his location.

With a swipe of his hand, anything in a 7-meter radius (23 (rounded) feet) was covered in his black and white flames.

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