Chapter Two

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So first things first remember what I said about Ted's Tick last chapter? yea forget about that because that's too overpowered, what it does now is he has 100 free stat points like in a video game he can put these points in any stat but it only lasts for an hour after that hour is up they reset, the recharge is now an hour.

Enough of that let's get into the chapter

Ted wakes up at an earlier time than the last chapter because now he has school, Rose didn't use her Tick yesterday at work as a behavioral therapist, she usually works with boys and girls who think they can take on pro hero's without a problem.

As Ted finishes breakfast he thinks back on the previous day and how he made two new friends.

Ted: I need some guy friends, I wonder if Adam or Alan got into any hero schools, they seemed pretty strong the last time I saw them.


Alan is seen punching Ted in the face before being launched by a kick delivered by a fire clone.

Ted: I'll kill you, you little shit!

Adam then drop kicks Ted angering him more.

Ted then summons 5 more fire clones as he begins charging an attack.


Ted then fire two very thin blasts of fire at Alan and Adam's hearts but is stopped by Alan creating a barrier stopping the attack.

Adam then uses the sweat that's coming off of him and Alan to create small balls of water that he launches at Ted with high speed almost like bullets.

Flashback end~

Ted: Good times.

Theo: Hmmm, almost getting crushed by a barrier isn't what I would count as a "good time"

Ted: We made up after.

Ren: Yea but that was behind a 10 centimeter thick sheet of glass.

Theo: And a year after it happened.

Ted: What matters is the result.

Aunt Rose: Ted did you hear about the villain attack yesterday?

Ted: No, why?

Rose: Apparently there's a new villain going around killing young girls and taking there left hands.

Ted: Left hands? That's odd.

Rose: That's what I thought.

Ted: Well, I've to be off.

Rose: Seeya boys

Ted: Bye.

And with that Ted blasts off using the same technique as last night, with some minor adjustments. Like how his arms and legs aren't just blasting full power anymore.

Ted decides to stop by a corner store for an energy drink, here he encounters a classmate of his, Sam, who's a transfer student from Leeds, His Tick has something to do with music, Ted didn't really remember any details.

Ted: Hey, you're Sam right?

He calls out to the dirty blonde haired guy buying lemonade.

Sam: Yea you're the guy who got first in every test and left school with two pretty girls.

Ted: We just went to an arcade, nothing else.

Sam: Sure you did.

After he said that he did the eyebrow wiggle thing.

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